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EID Excitement Wave for Government & Education Electronic Identity Trust for the Digital Decade eID Excitement Wave for Government & Education Peter Vander.

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Presentation on theme: "EID Excitement Wave for Government & Education Electronic Identity Trust for the Digital Decade eID Excitement Wave for Government & Education Peter Vander."— Presentation transcript:

1 eID Excitement Wave for Government & Education Electronic Identity Trust for the Digital Decade eID Excitement Wave for Government & Education Peter Vander Auwera Business Development Manager eID Microsoft Belux 1 March 2005

2 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 2 Agenda  Opening Keynotes – Luc Vanneste – Director General RRN – Bart Sijnave – Project Manager eID FedICT  eID in an EMEA Perspective  eID in Microsoft Technologies today: – MS Word & MS Outlook 2003 Demo – Trust2, Information Rights Management Demo  Summary of Bill Gates announcement 1 Feb 2005 – Showcase MSN Messenger Scenario – Future Directions  Coffee Break  Microsoft eID Early Adopter Program – For Government & Educational Institutions  Panel Discussion and Q&A – With FedICT, FOD/SPS Home Affairs – Microsoft Belgium & EMEA

3 Opening Keynote Luc Vanneste Director General RRN

4 4 DE EIK – LA CIE EN DE ONTWIKKELING VAN TOEPASSINGEN ________ ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT D’APPLICATIONS Door Luc Vanneste, Directeur-generaal Par Luc Vanneste, Directeur général

5 5 TODAY (21/2/2005) 573 municipalities = 92,31% of the population

6 6 TODAY (21/2/2005)

7 7 Waiting for... Antwerpen, Niel, Schelle, Willebroek, Beersel, Steenokkerzeel, Jurbise, Quaregnon, Comines-Warneton, Enghien, Le Roeulx, Liège, Butgenbach, Herstappe, Bastogne, La Bruyère TODAY (21/2/2005)


9 9 DOMAINS Exact, easy, fast Highly secure Legally binding Physical Identification Signature Data captureAuthentication

10 10 SOURCES - INITIATORS WORK PRIVATE Exact, easy, fast Highly secure Legally binding Physical Identification Signature Data captureAuthentication







17 17 THE END

18 Opening Keynote Bart Sijnave Project Manager eID FedICT

19 Copyright © FEDICT 2005. All rights reserved eID in it’s global context SECURITY & PRIVACY FEDMAN UME OTHER AUTHORITIES OTHER INSTITUTIONS FPS Connected government Connected government PORTAL PORTAL AUTHENTIC SOURCES USER MGT

20 eID in an EMEA perspective Ronny Bjones Enterprise Security Strategist Microsoft EMEA HQ - CATM

21 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 21 What is driving national smart card projects in Europe?  eGovernment - eID – Identification of citizens on the portals & counters  Italy –1.5M cards produced, 600k distributed, another 2M in production –Registration & tax services, e-signing of documents, etc.  Estonia –500K cards distributed (50% penetration) –Tax services, e-ticketing, etc.  Governments drive infrastructures or leave it to the market

22 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 22 What is driving national smart card projects in Europe?  Social security – Use of smart cards to protect privacy sensitive data  Belgium –SIS card issued to all citizens –Doctors, Pharmacia  Norway –National office for social assurance –All doctors, hospitals –PKI-based card, set of projects to simplify social security reporting

23 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 23 eID-related Scenario – Identity Management Trust2 Integration of the card into the service e.g. eBanking Authenticate and validate users Supported in today’s products Reduced cost of identity management What happens when the users breaks or looses the card! Identity Inheritance Identity Bootstrapping Enroll users into your own identity management system Data Capture Reduced cost of enrolment Can be done online

24 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 24 eID-related Scenario – More scenarios Replace (legal) handwritten signatures Documents & Transactions Proof points in court Supported by most eID schemes Qualified Electronic Signatures Incl. Belgium Digital Signatures Data Capture ROI! Capture authentic person-related information from the card Reduce manual errors, increase speed Can be done online

25 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 25 QuEST  Qualified Electronic Signatures Tutorial  Demystify Qualified Electronic signatures  Best practice/guidance for designing a Qualified Electronic signature solution

26 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 26 QuEST Approach Blueprint chapters Legal, Technology & Policy Knowledge base for subject matter experts Project Team Guide Which questions should be answered Design process Fictitious scenario – Contoso Lottery Based on Norwegian Lottery How to implement a QES solution Guidance for Project Managers & Architects

27 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 27 Conclusions  eID is happening in Europe – Belgium is playing a leader role – eGovernment & Social security  Drive more secure architectures on the Internet  Emerging Scenarios – Identity management – Legal signatures - QuEST – Data Capture  Technology is available today!

28 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 28 Resources  Download QuEST 0b3c55f6-11d4-4f46-8a37-0ba004e14dcf&DisplayLang=en 0b3c55f6-11d4-4f46-8a37-0ba004e14dcf&DisplayLang=en  Send email: Subject: Register QuEST

29 eID in Microsoft Technologies today Ir. Dave De Bie Technology Strategist Public Sector Microsoft Belux

30 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 30 Product: EID support today  Middleware – FedICT run-time Windows 98 SE and later – Custom e.g. Steria, Certipost, Cevi, … – Specific library needed for Windows Mobile devices  Authentication – Internet Explorer SSL client authentication  Full support SSL in IE 5.5 and above – IIS  SSL Client authentication  SSO with Federal Portal – Windows logon  Possible but will require Partner solution with custom GINA logon module  Data Capture – COM and.NET Applications  Signature – Integrated support in Office 2003 and.NET/COM Applications including XMLDSIG

31 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 31 EID in MS Office at Work..

32 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 32 InfoPath XML signing

33 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 33 Word

34 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 34 Outlook

35 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 35 Outlook Sender

36 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 36 Outlook receiver

37 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 37 Projects: Early Adopters on Windows  Municipality web site logon, registration and request of confidential documents  Web Portal with electronic signature of documents for lawyers  Confidential exchange of Office documents between auditors  Mobile pocketpc service application with data capture and contract signing  Enrollment and Windows logon for Students  PC and PocketPC access to Hot Spot

38 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 38 eid-loket  Citizen – Wants to make a loan  Bank – Can lend money but requires “Marriage certificate”  Town hall – Can provide “Marriage certificate online” – Online authentication & authorization using eID – Electronic Signature using eID

39 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 39  Use eID certificate and PIN to authenticate Login

40 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 40 Request Marriage certificate

41 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 41 Vlaamse Orde van Balies  Submission of documents to the Record Office (Griffie) – Embrace and extend the existing work process – Integrate with existing lawyer software, eID, MS Office – Operate within the legal framework and guidelines of the Belgian Law – Support industry standards: XML, XML signatures, web services, …  Technical implementation based on Microsoft Infopath 2003 and XML Web Services  Infopath has out-of-the-box support for XML Signatures

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47 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 47 KPMG Standardized desktop with Windows XP and Office 2003  eID usage within KPMG – Identification/Authorization – Internal requests/services approvals – HRM – Document/Report signing – E-mail signing – Information Rights Management – Online Voting

48 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 48 EID enables a new range of service offerings Sharing Office documents, mails and web-content in a trustworthy manner within and across the organization’s border based on the eID and Windows Rights Management

49 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 49 Today’s Policy Expression  Government Agencies, Healthcare organizations, …all need to exchange valuable or confidential documents, however…  Today, most communication policies only exist on paper  Its easy to unintentionally forward e-mails & documents  Its easy to intentionally share records, restricted documents, …

50 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 50 Access Control User Management Yes People Fil e The solution: Information Rights Management No Information Rights Management Do not Forward Do not Copy …. People Yes

51 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 51 Profession ID

52 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 52 Trust 2 for MS Office at Work.. Trustworthy information exchange for Office documents, web content and Outlook emails

53 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 53 Content Distributor (Sender)

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65 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 65 Content Recipient (Receiver)


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75 Summary of Bill Gates announcement 1 Feb 2005 Peter Vander Auwera Business Development Manager eID Microsoft Belux

76 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 76 Summary of announcement  Belgium is the leader in this  Strong support from Microsoft to be expected for eID  Two fundamental MSN building blocks announced – Associate eID with.NET Passport – Sign-in into MSN Messenger

77 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 77 Product: EID Future support Under investigation  Seamless eID User Experience across the platform  XP, CE, Office, Longhorn, MSN Messenger  Keyboard & Mice, XBOX  Seamless Developer Experience  As standard component in VS.NET Dev Tools  Scenarios under investigation – Enterprise  Automatic enrollment, transparent Windows logon, … – Consumer  Windows, Messenger and passport integration – Ease of use –Root management and distribution of middleware –Web site authentication, … – Protection –Against misuse signing key –safe chat and child protection –Against phising

78 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 78 eID and MSN Associate eID with.NET Passport Sign-in into MSN Messenger

79 Coffee Break

80 Microsoft eID Early Adopter Program For Government & Educational Institutions Peter Vander Auwera Business Development Manager eID Microsoft Belux

81 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 81 The Opportunity  By the end of the decade, 100 Million+ of European citizens will be use eID cards – 45 Smart Card Projects identified in 33 EMEA countries  All having a certificate to identify and authenticate themselves in the digital world  All having a certificate to create digital signatures – By end 2005, there will be +/- 3 Million of Belgian Citizens will use eID cards (mandatory roll-out by Gov’t)  Opportunity: – Use this strong authentication tool in your applications  Data Capture, Authentication, Digital Signature – Possibility to Leverage on:  Seamless end-user experience in Windows XP, MS Office, MSN Messenger, Passport and Longhorn  Leverage knowledge and best practices throughout EMEA –EMEA eID Initiative & Competence Center –QUEST: Qualified Electronic Signature Tutorial

82 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 82 Microsoft EMEA eID Plan  Exploring possibilities for a seamless user experience on the Windows platform – What can/should Microsoft do to improve support of eID across the product portfolio ?  Windows, Office, MSN, Keyboards, etc  Engagement & Knowledge sharing: – With Customers – With Dev Community to build applications that are eID compliant. – With Partners to scale & deliver – With Government for Business Development EMEA eID Initiative & Competence Center Belgium at the forefront

83 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 83 Level 1: planning phase Level 2: preparation phase Level 3: rollout phase Level 4: eID card project, mandatory for every citizen Why Belgium at Forefront ? Mandatory Roll-Out mandated by Gov’t

84 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 84 Government Engagement: Embracing eID Helping Government ISV-Dev Engagement: MS better platform to build eID solutions Trust²: Innovative Integration eID + IRM Leverage Potential: Belgian very advanced Why Belgium at Forefront ? How we engage with

85 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 85 eID Plan Belgium - General  Product track – Collaborate with FedICT and other Stakeholders to explore possibilities for seamless support for eID on Windows platform  Market track – eID Excitement Waves (Jul 2004 – June 2005)  Wave-1: Finalised. Results presented at TMAB e-Gov 2 Dec 2004  Wave-2: Started: Financial Services: 5 projects  Wave-3: Government & Education: 10 projects –Kick-Off Awareness on 1 Mar 2005 –At least 5 projects in Local Government –Focus on Citizen Impact – eID Info-Evening for Citizens  Test in 7 municipalities – eID Promo with MS Office 2003, Zetes Card Reader, Trust2 Subscription

86 Microsoft eID Action Plan eID Excitement Wave for Government & Education

87 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 87 eID Excitement Wave Government & Education Key Objectives of campaign  Help Local, Regional & Federal Governments & Educational Institutions and their Implementation Partners to become eID ready and offer exciting e-services to the Citizens  Focus on Citizen Impact – Applications that are used REGULARLY by Citizen – High Citizen added value & visibility  Seamless eID experience on Microsoft Platform – Seamless for end-user – Seamless for developer  Build community  Identify & support Early Adopter Projects

88 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 88 Target Group  Government – Local Government  Municipalities, Cities, Police, Fire Brigade, OCMW,….  Provinces – Regional Government – Federal Government  Educational Institutions – Universities – High-Schools

89 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 89 Key components of plan Period March 2005 – June 2005  Awareness Session  Technical Workshop  Early Adopter Program (EAP)  Launch/Visibility event June 2005  Election “Government eID Project of the Year”

90 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 90 Time-line eID Action Plan Local Government

91 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 91 eID for Local Government Early Adopter Program (EAP)  Nominations by 15 April 2005 – Send to  EAP Program runs from May 2005 -> June 2005  10 Projects to be selected – At least 5 projects from Local Government – Go “on-stage” at MS Visibility Event June 2005 – Election “Government eID Project of the Year”  Clear admission rules – Executive Commitment by Partner & Customer – Support Contract in place – 50/50 Investments MCS Consultants

92 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 92 Call to action  Gather eID Knowledge – Awareness & Technical Workshops  Identify project for EAP – Contact:  Resources/Powerpoints – –  Coming soon on MSDN: – –

93 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 93 Your Microsoft eID Contacts  Overall program contact: Peter Vander Auwera –  Or your regular Microsoft contact

94 Panel Discussion RRN FedICT Microsoft Belux & EMEA

95 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 95 Other Business  Evaluation Forms  MS Events by Local Government Team – Towards Technical Decision Makers  15 March 2005 Leuven (NL)  17 March 2005 Gent (NL)  ?? March 2005 (Location TBD) (FR) – Towards Business Decision Makers  Business lunch with MS vision  10 x 2 deliveries of same event with 10 Partners active in this space –8 invitees per lunch are selected and invited by partner –2 MS + 2 Partner representatives per lunch  March-April 2005 – Website: http://xyz http://xyz

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97 Edit Presentation Title Footer in Slide Master 97 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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