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Marine Corps Installations East Update of the ACMC Near Term Motorcycle Safety Efforts: Beta Test Motorcycle “Club-like” Facility at MCB, CamLej.

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Corps Installations East Update of the ACMC Near Term Motorcycle Safety Efforts: Beta Test Motorcycle “Club-like” Facility at MCB, CamLej."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Corps Installations East Update of the ACMC Near Term Motorcycle Safety Efforts: Beta Test Motorcycle “Club-like” Facility at MCB, CamLej

2 M A R I N E C O R P S I N S T A L L A T I O N S E A S T 2 Background Sept 2009, CMC(SD) attended a motorcycle safety update meeting with General Amos in which he tasked MCB, CamLej to establish a “beta test” motorcycle club facility operated and staffed by qualified motorcycle maintenance and operations personnel. Facility is to include meeting and maintenance spaces

3 M A R I N E C O R P S I N S T A L L A T I O N S E A S T 3 Club “Meeting Place” Motorcycle Club Facility identified adjacent to MSF Range –25'x60' re-locatable facility –Classroom easily transformed into a lounge-like facility and re-converted back to a classroom –Equipment currently available or under installation: 3 Televisions (large center mounted & two smaller side mounted) along with projection equipment 30 computer terminals (all network enabled) DVD/Video, Multi-media Podium, “Smart Board” and Surround Sound System

4 M A R I N E C O R P S I N S T A L L A T I O N S E A S T 4 Club “Meeting Place”

5 M A R I N E C O R P S I N S T A L L A T I O N S E A S T 5 Club “Meeting Place”

6 M A R I N E C O R P S I N S T A L L A T I O N S E A S T 6 MCIEAST Goals Install carpet, motorcycle posters, couches, chairs, lamps, large TV and sound system in Motorcycle Club Facility; provide means to conduct simple maintenance at the facility Dedicate 1-2 additional portable lifts for motorcycles; purchase additional motorcycle tools

7 M A R I N E C O R P S I N S T A L L A T I O N S E A S T 7 Maintenance Spaces MCB, CamLej Auto Hobby Shop (AHS) has in place: –Three Certified motorcycle mechanics –One bay with lift dedicated for motorcycles –Motorcycle-specific tools, fluids, filters etc AHS offers quarterly Basic Motorcycle Maintenance Classes covering: –engine oil and filter, air filter, spark plugs, final drive, brakes, clutch, cooling system, throttle, suspension, tires, etc Motorcycle throughput at this facility is 1-2 per day

8 M A R I N E C O R P S I N S T A L L A T I O N S E A S T 8 Auto Hobby Shop

9 M A R I N E C O R P S I N S T A L L A T I O N S E A S T 9 Auto Hobby Shop

10 M A R I N E C O R P S I N S T A L L A T I O N S E A S T 10 Questions

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