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T ECHNOLOGY I NVESTIGATION GTT Project 1.1.3a By: Cynthia M. & Shelby R.

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Presentation on theme: "T ECHNOLOGY I NVESTIGATION GTT Project 1.1.3a By: Cynthia M. & Shelby R."— Presentation transcript:

1 T ECHNOLOGY I NVESTIGATION GTT Project 1.1.3a By: Cynthia M. & Shelby R.

2 H ISTORY The Main Purpose, of the motorcycle was to get around faster, better and safer, and to make travel easier.

3 I NVENTED …. First motorcycle- Sylvester Howard Roper, 1876 Second “up dated” Innovation- Gottlieb Daimler, 1885

4 O RIGINAL VS T ODAY Original : the “first” one was coal powered, two cylinder, and steam driven, this was also wooden. Today: the design today is the motorcycle the motorcycle is very different from the bike, Today’s version is gas/ fuel powered, can go WAY faster than the “first” one, and has more powerful engine.

5 Q UOTE ABOUT THE I NVENTION Quote: “Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.” ~Sylvester Howard Roper

6 I NNOVATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT Gas/fuel powered Not a “motorized bicycle” Has a better engine they added a windshield motor mirrors

7 T YPES OF I NVENTIONS motorcycle(1 cylinder engine) motorized bicycle motorized scooter

8 T ECHNOLOGY OF I NVENTION Transportation, getting you around from place to place.

9 O VERVIEW OF THE C REATION ExampleScienceTechnolog y Engineeri ng Math Motorcycle will get fuel and necessary materials, What it will look like What pieces go together,Will build the motorcycle based off of  What type of material needed. makes, designs, and blue prints for  And  Measures how big it should be etc.( based off of engineers design) the dimensions of the motorcycle

10 P OSITIVE I MPACT OF I NVENTION People have been able to travel faster. Traveling safer using less money for gas

11 N EGATIVE IMPACT ON S OCIETY Polluting the air Using “to” much gas


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