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PLANT CLASSIFICATION. Bryophytes - Mosses Bryophytes Are small, low-lying, (generally) moisture-loving plants No xylem or phloem Need water to reproduce.

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Presentation on theme: "PLANT CLASSIFICATION. Bryophytes - Mosses Bryophytes Are small, low-lying, (generally) moisture-loving plants No xylem or phloem Need water to reproduce."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bryophytes - Mosses Bryophytes Are small, low-lying, (generally) moisture-loving plants No xylem or phloem Need water to reproduce Have no roots, stems or leaves, only filamentous rhizoids

3 Bryophytes - Mosses Green part is independent and haploid Brown stalk is dependent and diploid

4 Bryophytes - Liverworts Gametes produced In little umbrella structures Gemma Cups

5 Bryophytes - Hornworts Sporophytes are like little horns

6 Moss Life Cycle Click on picture for video

7 Lycophyta – Club Mosses Only a few centimeters high Have vascular tissue Prominence during Carboniferous era Christmas fern

8 Sphenophyta - horsetails Have hollow, jointed stems with whorls of scale-like leaves Silica “Scouring Brush” Also Carboniferous

9 Pterophyta - Ferns Vascular Have phloem to carry food to roots Have xylem to carry water to fronds Produce Spores in Sori

10 Pterophyta - Reproduction

11 Plant Classification – Part 2 The Seed Plants Gymnosperms Angiosperms

12 Gymnosperms Gymnosperm means naked seed Sexual Reproduction Vascular

13 Ginkophyta – Ginko biloba Separate male and female trees Fan-shaped leaves

14 Cycadophyta - Cycads Short, palm-like trees Seeds are produced in cones with male and female cones on separate tree

15 Coniferophyta Cone- bearers Needle- like, scaly leaves

16 Coniferophyta - Reproduction

17 Angiosperms Have Seeds in Fruits Flowers with ovaries that become fruits Vascular Sexual Reproduction Monocots and Dicots

18 Anthophyta Flowering plants Seed enclosed in a fruit Newest plants

19 Anthophyta - Reproduction pollen and ovules

20 Monocots and Dicots

21 Monocot

22 Dicot

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