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AP-003-078 Name Change of the Collins School of Hospitality Management.

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Presentation on theme: "AP-003-078 Name Change of the Collins School of Hospitality Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP-003-078 Name Change of the Collins School of Hospitality Management

2 Background-1 Collins School is unique within the CSU System. Collins School is a nationally ranked institution. Collins School offers a Bachelor of Science degree with different emphases. The majority of Collins faculty hold doctorate degrees and offer well over 60 courses of theoretical and practical nature Collins School will experience further growth to reach 1200-1500 students during the next two years (by 2011). The Chancellor has identified the School as a major growth program. The Collins School is already treated as a college.

3 Background-2 A task force was appointed by Interim Dean David Clock in Fall 2006 to study the name change to the Collins College of Hospitality Management. The task force consisted of Jon Self, B. J. Bruin, Sandy Kapoor, Ben Dewald, Joe Casey and Ed Merritt (Chair)

4 The Task force contacted Faculty Staff Students Alumni Administrators Members of the Board of Advisors

5 Survey Results Respondents to the survey overwhelmingly support the name change to the Collins College for Hospitality management. Strongly agree62.2% Agree25.6% Neutral05.1% Disagree05.1% Strongly disagree00.6%

6 Thus 87.8% of the respondents strongly agreed (62.2%) or agreed (25.6%) with the name change. But the process of was withheld pending the hiring of a permanent dean. Now that Dean Andy Feinstein is on board, the process should move forward, especially since he and the Collins faculty are in full support of the measure.

7 Concerns The school is too small offering only one degree. There seems to be no clear purpose for he name change. School is under funded and becoming a college might require additional cost.

8 Reasons Supporting Name Change Prestige that college status would provide over school status and would provide enhanced positive communication, marketing, and partnering opportunities both on campus and in the community. CSHM is a nationally ranked and therefore major program, especially with expected increase in enrollment. Increased ability for faculty and student recruitment. Would be a natural progression for the school.

9 Reasons (cont’d) College and the increased size of the program would allow administrative flexibility needed for scheduling classes. Provide additional prestige to attract higher caliber students and allow the college to be more selective. Necessary in order to expand to serve more students. Collegiality. If the faculty want the name change, there are no compelling reasons for us to deny the request. There is minimal cost for the name change. Cost is only related to signage and stationary and will be born internally.

10 Recommendation The name change is a purely internal matter pending the approval of the Academic Senate and other consultative bodies on campus, such as the Deans’ Council. The AP discussed the concerns and the benefits and found that the benefits far outweigh the concerns and therefore recommends approval of the name change.

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