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Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Caleb Leino 1-1-10 White-3.

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Presentation on theme: "Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Caleb Leino 1-1-10 White-3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Caleb Leino 1-1-10 White-3

2 Creation Part of new deal program created by FDR Created in 1933

3 Continued… “...I propose to create a civilian conservation corps to be used in simple work, not interfering with normal employment, and confining itself to forestry, the prevention of soil erosion, flood control, and similar projects. I call your attention to the fact that this type of work is of definite practical value, not only through the prevention of great present financial loss but also a means of creation future national wealth..” FDR on his inaugural adress It was created to help create jobs for people who had been financially hit by the great depression

4 Purpose The CCC was created to give jobs to the unemployed who had been affected by the Great Depression Men had to be in between the ages of 18 and 25, this was later uplifted and war veterans were included Men were inlisted for a six month duration Men were paid 30$ a month, 25$ would be sent back to their families.

5 Creations Planted an estimated 3 billion trees from 1933- 1942 campgrounds built, complete with picnic shelters, swimming pools, fireplaces, and restrooms. Thousands of miles of roads Walking paths, later made national parks

6 How it helped The CCC was largely responsible for a 55% reduction in crimes Gave 2.5 million men jobs during the depression

7 Continued… After the depression businessmen had a preference to hiring people from the CCC because they knew what a full days work was The CCC lasted for almost 10 years and left a strong legacy for hard work, and quality

8 The end of the CCC The CCC never officially was abolished, but after the beginning of WW2 the country realized the effort must be focused on the war and the CCC camps were disbanded

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