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Football* *american. defense offense The Quarterback passes the ball.

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Presentation on theme: "Football* *american. defense offense The Quarterback passes the ball."— Presentation transcript:

1 football* *american

2 defense offense

3 The Quarterback passes the ball.

4 The Receivers catch the pass.

5 The Running Backs take the ball and run. They try to score.

6 SCORE! Touchdown: ball is run across the field and into the defense’s end zone. 6 points. Field Goal: ball kicked through defense’s goal posts. 1-3 points. End zone dance: Score. Then dance. 0 points.

7 Linemen tackle the quarterback before he passes. Cornerbacks stop passes. Safeties stop running backs.

8 Super Bowl 2009 Vs. Arizona Cardinals Pittsburgh Steelers

9 So why must Americans call it “football” when players so rarely put foot to ball? Because the game of American football grew out of the game of rugby… tradition? Who knows? Besides…that other game uses more than just feet.


11 Solution. Say it this way: football… …grrr There will be no mistake.

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