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User Emergency Contact Details Simon Trivella –28 th May 2009 Distribution Workstream.

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Presentation on theme: "User Emergency Contact Details Simon Trivella –28 th May 2009 Distribution Workstream."— Presentation transcript:

1 User Emergency Contact Details Simon Trivella –28 th May 2009 Distribution Workstream

2 Background UNC TPD Section Q covers “Emergencies” –2.2 Emergency Preparedness User Emergency Contacts (2.2) Large Firm Supply Points / Emergency Contacts (2.3) Interruptible Supply Points / Emergency Contacts (2.4) Priority Supply Points (2.5) Emergency Procedures (2.6) User Procedures (2.7)

3 Background Annual NEC / DN Emergency Exercises –Exercise Prelude DN Contact Exercises “Mod 0090” Safety Case Impact Assessment Safety Case Submission

4 User Emergency Contacts Each User shall provide: –Single telephone number & fax that will allow the Transporter to contact a representative 24 hours a day –The name(s) / title(s) of the User’s representatives who may be contacted at such numbers –Each representative shall be a person having appropriate authority / responsibility to act as primary contact – Details to be provided by Applicant User, maintained at all times and updated promptly and, where possible, in advance

5 User Emergency Contacts Ad-hoc processes Inconsistent approach from both Transporters & Users Duplication of effort Potential for mistakes / errors

6 Proposed Process Improvements Single central data management Build upon existing Customer Life Cycle process User Emergency Contact details submitted to xoserve –User (as per UNC TPD Section Q 2.2) –Transporter (equivalent to User) Issued to Transporters on a regular basis –Every [2] months; or –Following any update

7 Proposed Process Improvements Issued to Users on a regular basis –Every [2] months for validation User updates at anytime Existing processes can remain (if required)

8 Advantages Single consistent process Assists with compliance of UNC TPD Section Q 2.2.1 Flexible process, no intention to “Codify” Could be extended to cover other User / Transporter ‘contacts’

9 Disadvantages Are there any ?

10 Next Steps User / Transporter Feedback –Provisional discussions with xoserve & Transporters –High level discussion taken place with a few Users –All positive, so far Development / Implementation of process Not User Pays! Pre-Nexus!

11 Next Steps & beyond Further work required: –Large Firm Supply Points / Emergency Contact Details Transporters taking different approach –Further DN contact exercises –Revised ‘categories’ of Large Firm Supply Points Interruptible, VLDMC, Special Status Sites, LLFSP, SLFSP –Allows for more targeted approach

12 Next Steps & beyond Increased ability to feedback and improve Contact information Similar, non-Code, process required Transporter / User development sessions Feedback / suggestions welcome

13 Reminder! Large Firm Interruptible >25,000 tpa>50,000 tpa Site Manned 24 Hours 24 hour Emergency Contact and Job Title1-5 1-4 Emergency Contact Telephone Number1-5 1-4 Fax 11 Site Not Manned 24 Hours 24 hour Emergency Contact and Job Title3-5 3-4 Emergency Contact Telephone Number3-5 3-4 Fax 11 UNC TPD Section Q 2.3/2.4

14 Reminder! Large Firm Interruptible >25,000 tpa>50,000 tpa Site Manned 24 Hours 24 hour Emergency Contact and Job Title111 Emergency Contact Telephone Number111 Fax 11 Site Not Manned 24 Hours 24 hour Emergency Contact and Job Title333-4 Emergency Contact Telephone Number443-4 Fax 11 Preferred information * * As per the Emergency Contact Information leaflet endorsed by the DTi, HSE, Ofgem

15 User Emergency Contact Details Simon Trivella –28 th May 2009 Distribution Workstream

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