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Thank you all for very interesting presentations

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1 Thank you all for very interesting presentations
Nicklas Bergström Thank you all for very interesting presentations

2 Consilium Group Consilium Consilium Fire & Gas Consilium Navigation
>400 employees Consilium Fire & Gas Consilium Navigation

3 Consilium Fire & Gas Consilium Fire & Gas Consilium Transport
140 employee Consilium Transport 2 M € 5 employee Consilium Land 13 M € 30 employee Consilium Marine AB 37 M € 50 employee

4 The Consilium Network Strong market presence both locally and globally
Consilium offices: Gothenburg, Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Genova, Florens, Piraeus, Singapore, Pusan, Shanghai, Tokyo, F.Lauderdale, Dubai, Dover and Glasgow Sales & Service representatives: Gdynia, Riga, Paris, Barcelona, Rijeka, Galatz, Istanbul, Moscow/St Petersburg,Hong Kong, Taipei, Perth, Cairns, Seattle, Houston, New Orleans Boston, Norfolk, Jacksonville etc

5 The Consilium Network Strong market presence both locally and globally
Training centre Customer Support Service engineers Spare part stock

6 A Genuine Customer Focus
Consilium will continue to arrange seminars and customer symposium linked to Safety and Enviroment. The voice of the customer must always have a big impact within our company!

7 Salwico Emissions Monitoring System
For further questions and more technical information please come and ask us. We have along with Mr Fogelberg two more experts and a system here to study.

8 Consilium Marine Thank you all for your time and interest. Please continue the discussions during dinner.

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