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Internet Safety Kelly Aguis, Ashley Gordon Hope, Sharon Sloan, Chris Ammen.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Safety Kelly Aguis, Ashley Gordon Hope, Sharon Sloan, Chris Ammen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Safety Kelly Aguis, Ashley Gordon Hope, Sharon Sloan, Chris Ammen

2 Purpose of Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) “The school or district policies to help ensure that school technology made available to students is used appropriately and for academic purposes.” (Duffy, McDonald, Mizell, 2005, pg. 413)

3 Components of a typical AUP Resources available on the Internet Privilege Monitoring Security Vandalism and Harassment Procedures for use Inappropriate material Disciplinary actions for improper use

4 Acceptable Use Agreement Parents should read AUP of school just as they would the Code of Conduct. Parents are responsible for signing and returning to teacher. Without agreement students will not be able to use the internet.


6 School’s Internet Safety Plan S - secret- Always keep your name, telephone number and address private. M - meeting- Only meet people you have met online with parents permission and when they can be there. A - accepting- e-mails or opening files from people you don’t know or trust can get you into trouble – they may contain viruses or nasty messages. R - remember- Someone online may be lying and not be who they say they are. T - tell- tell your parents or teacher if someone or something makes you uncomfortable or worried.

7 Strategies to Ensure Internet Safety in the Classroom SMART Plan Posters SafeKids Online Safety Quiz SafeKids Disney’s Surfswell Island Disney’s Surfswell – Complete activities – Complete Safety Challenge Talk with Students about what they are doing.

8 Parents and the Internet Safety Process AUP Awareness – Parents should read and sign school’s AUP Safety Brochure for Parents – Available from teachers or school Technologist Parental Monitoring – What can you do?

9 Parental Monitoring Make family rules of internet safety. – Do not give out any personal information over web. – How much time they spend on the computer. Get to know where your child goes, see if they have a free email account and know what their user name and password is. Check out blocking, filtering, and ratings applications. Keep computer in a family room rather than child’s bedroom.

10 Your Ideas What are your suggestions for what you may do within your own homes to ensure the safety of students? What could we do more within our classrooms to ensure safety?

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