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Using the Internet to Facilitate Problem Based Learning How can the internet help my students become problem solvers?

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Presentation on theme: "Using the Internet to Facilitate Problem Based Learning How can the internet help my students become problem solvers?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the Internet to Facilitate Problem Based Learning How can the internet help my students become problem solvers?

2 What is Problem Based Learning? A teaching strategy where students are required to solve real world problems. Students must define the problem, access information and present a solution.

3 How can the internet help with Problem Based Learning? Research Surveys Question of the day Webquests Electronic Appearances Impersonations Mentors

4 What obstacles are there to using the internet? Availiablity Inappropriate material

5 Solutions: Download web pages to disk or hard drive After hours access Use kid safe sites Filtering software Acceptable Use Policies Honor Codes for Students Teacher/Staff monitoring

6 Safe Sites for Kids AOL@School or Ask Jeeves for Kids at Bigchalk’s HomeworkCentral at Discovery School at

7 Conclusion By using the internet for problem based learning, students have a world of information at their fingertips.

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