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Learning About World War II

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1 Learning About World War II
By Jon Victor

2 Michigan GLECs Grades 9-12 World History and Geography
Era 7: Global Crisis and Achievement, WHG Increasing Government and Political Power. WHG Comparative Global Power

3 Michigan Curriculum Framework Social Studies Benchmark
1.) Comprehending and Interpreting the past 2.)Judging decisions from the past 3.)Global Issues and Events

4 Goals and Objectives By separating into groups to work on a research project/presentation students will be able to: 1.) Identify the major leaders and groups of World War II. 2.) Explain the key events leading into the war in Europe. 3.) Show and explain how some countries geographical locations affected the outcome of the war. 4.) Explain the causes on why the United States entered the war and what the country was like before it entered.

5 Technology Students will use the following technology:
1. Computer with Internet access for Research on desired topics Power point presentation 2.) Google Earth Software To look up countries that each group is assigned to, and the different types of geographical landscapes that the country provides.

6 Performance Assessment Rubric
Skills Being Assessed 1 2 3 4 Content/Topic Includes very little information. Very little research was conducted. Information is not factual. Has some essential information. Little evidence of in depth research. Some inaccuracies in information. Includes a good amount of information. Good evidence that the topic was properly researched. Covers topic completely and in-depth. Content is accurate and well researched. Written/ Presentation Skills Includes 4 or more grammatical errors and misspelled words. Presentation poorly conducted. Includes 3 or more grammatical errors and misspelled words. Presentation conducted fairly well. Includes 2 or more grammatical errors and misspelled words. Presentation conducted well. Includes no grammatical, misspellings, and grammatical errors. Presentation conducted very well. Group Work Content Evidence that poor group research was done. Poor teamwork was conducted. Evidence that some group research was done. Fairly good teamwork was conducted. Evidence that there was good group research done. Good use of teamwork. Each group member completed the assignment and worked as a team based on research done. Conclusion Reached A conclusion has been made from the research gathered. Conclusion was very poorly detailed. Some conclusions are reached from the information gathered. Conclusions not well detailed. Good conclusions are reached from information gathered. Conclusion is well detailed. Numerous detailed conclusions are reached from the information gathered.

7 References Dreck, James. "World War Two - Causes." World War Two. Nov Web. 21 Mar Wilson, Peter. "World War II." United States American History. June Web. 21 Mar

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