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The Wonders Ice Age Jamie Takara. Table of Contents What was the temperature like?Page 1 What did the animals look like?Page 2 What happen to the animals?Page.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wonders Ice Age Jamie Takara. Table of Contents What was the temperature like?Page 1 What did the animals look like?Page 2 What happen to the animals?Page."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wonders Ice Age Jamie Takara

2 Table of Contents What was the temperature like?Page 1 What did the animals look like?Page 2 What happen to the animals?Page 3 GlossaryPage 4 IndexPage 5

3 1# what was the temperature like? During the Ice Age the temperature dropped world wide. Ice caps expanded-out-wards from the poles. The earth had the modern range of vegetation and stretching. The glaciers are put downward.

4 2# What did the animals look like? The mastodon may have looked like a Wooly Mammoth but it was a completely separate creature. They are very furry and have huge feet. This relative of the modern elephant. They had cone shape teeth. They use it to eat leaves off the top of trees. First appeared about four million years ago.

5 #3 What did the animals looked liked? There’s been a considerable amount of debate over the cause of the extinction of the Ice Age giants. With disagreement over whether climate change were the cause of their demse. While humans persisted these big beast along with other megafauna because extint

6 Glossary Temperature- how hot or cold it is inside/outside. Expanded-to get bigger then normal at the time. Glaciers- they are moving down. Modern- it means the range of something. Cone Shape- it means it is round and looks like a ice cream cone.

7 Index Debate, 5 Extinction, 5 Glacier, 3 Mastodon, 2 Megafauna, 3 +

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