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Fun with Numbers! Fun and interactive ways to help Children learn about numbers. Watch this space for future courses. Please equire for further info Crèche.

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Presentation on theme: "Fun with Numbers! Fun and interactive ways to help Children learn about numbers. Watch this space for future courses. Please equire for further info Crèche."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fun with Numbers! Fun and interactive ways to help Children learn about numbers. Watch this space for future courses. Please equire for further info Crèche provided Weaning session (every 1 st week of the month only) 10-12pm (APPOINTMENT ONLY) A free, cook and taste lunch club for parents. For parents with children 24 months and under (Please call & book a place on 0161 4462131) Activities at Old Moat Surestart Children’s Centre, Old Moat Lane, Withington, Manchester M20 1DE October 2014 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Healthy Child Drop in A drop-in advice and support session, run by our Health Team For further information please contact the team on 0161 4488677 12:00pm to 1.45pm Please arrive before 1:45pm and bring your red book 9am – 11.00am A drop in baby club for BABIES 0-12 MONTHS Healthy Eating Cooking Crèche provided. 12.15pm – 2:45pm Term Time only Stay & Play for TODDLERS 12- 24 MONTHS ONLY An adult and toddler play session for toddlers who are finding their feet MUST BOOK A PLACE Old Moat & Withington families ONLY 9:00 – 11:00 am Midwives Clinic 8.45am to 3-45pm For Mums to be 16wks+ (appointments must be made on 0161 4462131) SCHOOL READINESS Stay and Play for 2-5 YEARS ONLY An adult and toddler session preparing children to become school ready MUST BOOK as places are limited Old Moat & Withington families ONLY 9:00-11:00am GM.Police, Southway & Councillors Advice Drop in’s 1 st Fri of the month 4-5pm Psychological Wellbeing Service Sessions for adults suffering from low mood/ depression/ anxiety/ sleep problems etc. Contact 0161 2263871 (other days available) 8 month checks (9.30am-12.00pm) & 2 year Development Checks (9-12.00pm) Appointments Only Contact the Health team on 0161 4488677 for further information E-mail- Website- Tel- 0161 4462131 Work Club 10am till 3pm Just turn up! Computer access & support with C.V writing, job Searches etc. Please contact Paula O’Reilly on 0161 446 2131 Baby Bliss £1 1.15pm-2.15pm Enjoy fun activities to stimulate your baby’s physical, social and emotional development. From birth- 9 months To book ring 0161 4462131 Please come and feed your baby, share experiences and chat to other mums BIBs drop-in session (no midwife advice for a short term period however please feel free to drop in to meet other breast feeders!) (Breast is Best) 1-3pm

2 “Inspiring our Community to flourish and grow” MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Food Hygiene Level 2 A one day course ~ Emergency First Aid at Work ~ Health & Safety ~ OM Healthy Eating Cooking Group 12.15 till 3.00pm A free cook & taste group for people who would like to learn to cook healthy meals from scratch & gain a Level 1 qualification in Healthy Eating ~ Computers for Beginners with UK Online Never used a computer before or need to gain more skills in I.T Then come along to our basic computer course where you will support by our trained volunteers For further information, please contact Paula O’Reilly on 0161 446 2131 Work Club 10am till 3pm Just turn up! Computer access & support with C.V writing, job searches etc. Please contact Paula O’Reilly on 0161 446 2131 ~ National Careers Service Here to help you get the advice you need for future skills, careers, work and life choices Every second Thursday For an appointment contact 0161 204 1767 ESOL for Beginners Every Day English Pre Entry & Entry 1 12pm till 3pm To book a place please contact Paula O’Reilly on 0161 446 2131 PLACES ARE LIMITED Crèche places available Wild Life Project for over 50’s 3-5pm ~ 4 Steps Skills programme 1 day workshop- 13/10/14 10- 4pm 4 Steps Skills programme Looking for work or want to start your own business? 4 day course over 4 weeks (Oct-Nov) For further information please contact Lynn on 07711270164

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