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Italy Latvia The Netherlands Portugal Sweden Spain Turkey Hungary.

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2 Italy Latvia The Netherlands Portugal Sweden Spain Turkey Hungary

3  The mass media are diversified media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. The technologies through which this communication takes place varies. › Broadcast media such as radio, recorded music, film and television transmit their information electronically. › Printed media use a physical object such as a newspaper, magazines or pamphlet to distribute their information.

4  The first newspaper was started in the ancient Rome in 131 BC. It was the Acta diurna Urbis  At the same time in China there was also a newspaper, called the King Pao.

5  Daily  Weekly  Monthly  Fortnightly  Seasonally  Half a yearly  Yearly  For special event Newspapers can be seperated by their coming out:

6  The first radio was made by Nicola Tesla in 1896, but it was working with cabels.  The first radio which was working in short distance was made by Guglielmo Marconi in 1906.  Alexander Meissner made the modern radio in 1913. It has become smaller and smaller.

7  Radio media transmit audio content wirelessly.  Radio broadcasting is one-way communication to a broad audience.  Radio stations can be linked together in networks.  Their content can be information and/or entertainment.  Program content can be produced quickly.  Broadcasts of audio content also can be sent via cable, satellite and the Internet.  Most radio stations broadcast music although some transmit news, sports, talk and religious programs.

8 The invention of the television was the work of many individuals in the 19th and early 20th century. Inventors include Paul Nipkow (1884, This was a spinning disk with a spiral pattern of holes in it, so each hole scanned a line of the image) Vladimir Zworykin(1911, created a system that used a mechanical mirror-drum scanner to transmit, "very crude images" over wires) John Baird (1926, demonstrated the transmission of image of a face in motion by radio)

9 Social aspects of television  Being informed about the latest news;  Television helps young people to discover where they fit into society;  Television can teach kids important values and life lessons.  Television teaches people to understand complex social aspects of communication.  Documentaries can help develop critical thinking about society and the world.  Cultural programming can open up the world of music and art for young people. The good things

10  The violence depicted on television has a desensitization effect on the children;  Advertisements such as those promoting alcohol and cigarettes have resulted in a large number of youngsters indulging in their consumption;  Television has contributed to increasing obesity among people. Social aspects of television The bad things

11 STATISTICS OF MEDIA FOR ITALIAN STUDENTS Internet (84% of users three or more times per week) on national TV (73%), local television (44%) radio (55%) the phones /smartphones (almost 44%) national newspapers (32%), those local/regional (28%) specialized periodicals single issue (27%) and non-specialists (22%) specialized newspapers (in economics/sports/etc. 19%) and finally the tablets (10%)

12  Newspaper  Magic is a school newspaper about school things. It has a lot of information.  In the school there is a library where you can read for example National Geography, geography, history and arts magazines, when you are bored.  STARS is the local newspaper in which not only the latest news but also the local news can be read about almost everything and of course you can read about sports in it, too.

13  In the lunch break the students can listen to the news from the school radio. In every break they can listen to music. Students can also send birthday wishes through the radio to anybody in the school. Television  In Madona there is a local TV and the student can see local people in it. Some students want to connect their future to media.

14  Media is an important aspect of the Dutch society.  The NOS is the main news broadcast programme in the Netherlands. With about two million views every day it is by far the most popular news programme in the Netherlands. It broadcasts the latest news about the events all around the world, in the country and about sport.  NOS has about 700 employees who work very hard in order to provide the nation with the latest news. The NOS was founded in 1969, but in 2005 it received the current logo.  The NOS is very important for the Netherlands. It is not just a form of formal media, but it also grows us closer as a nation. The fact that you and all these other inhabitants of your country are watching the news at the same time brings up a strong feeling.

15 IIn Portugal the habit of reading a newspaper or magazine is already old. IIn Portugal the most famous newspapers, magazines are: CCurrently, for some Portuguese is not a habit. Although there are still people who buy newspapers and magazines to be informed of news and news of the country.

16  There are about three hundred commercial radio stations in Portugal. › National Radio  Radio Comercial mainly recent and commercial music;  Radio Renascença news, religious programs;  RFM 2 Pop, and commercial music › Regional radio  TSF / Radio Press Regional Porto, News;  M80 Regional Lisbon, successes pop / rock of the 70s, 80s and 90s of the twenty century › Local radio  Mega Hits Pop, R&B and Dance music;  Cidade FM Dance, R&B, Pop music

17  The televison in Portugal appeared in December 1955.  Initially, people went to public places, in order to see the “magic” of television.  The first channel released was RTP, a state channel, in September 1956.  After that, other channels like RTP 2, RTP Madeira, RTP Açores, RTP Internacional, SIC and TVI appear.  In April 2012, Portugal step into the “Digital TV”.elevison in Portugal appeared in December 1955.  Initially, people went to public places, in order to see the “magic” of

18  Melodifestivalen The Swedish vote for the artist that will compete in the Eurovision song contest.  Kalle Anka (Donald Duck) Every christmas families in Sweden are watching a few episodes of Donald Duck and his friends.  På Spåret one of the Swedish popular tv shows the program started in 1987 and it is still one of the leading programs. FAMOUS TV PROGRAMMES

19  Tonårs Bossen Tonårs Bossen means „Teenage Boss” The show started in 2013. It’s a reality show that in every episode it’s about a different family. The teeanger learn how to take care of money.  Lyxfällan Lyxfällan (Luxury Trap). It is a program that involves individuals or families who are experiencing financial difficulties.  Let’s Dance Let’s Dance is the same as (Dancing with the stars).  Ensam mamma söker It’s a reality show, the show is about single mothers that want to find love in there life. The program started in year 2007. It’s a very popular show there

20 FAMOUS NEWSPAPERS IN SWEDEN  Aftonbladet Eveningblade or ‘’Aftonbladet’’ in swedish independent social democrat.  Expressen It was founded in year 1944. The newspaper has around 92 1000 readers every day. Expressen has also editors in New York, USA and in London, Great Britain.  HD Helsingborgs Dagblad (HD). The largest Swedish morning newspaper.

21 FAMOUS SWEDISH RADIO CHANNELS  RIX FM Rix fm is the most popular radio channel in Sweden, with over 1 million listeners every day.  NRJ NRJ is Europe’s biggest radio channel. The first NRJ radio channel in Sweden began in year 1993. There are three stations in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo.  Mix Megapol Mix megapol was founded in year 1994 with the name Megapol. They have mix of 1980, 1990 & 2000 music.

22 NEWSPAPERSSpain  Spanish newspapers  An humoristic magazine for young people


24 TELEVISIONS  These channels have programs for young people : TV series, movies, reality shows…  Television has lost a lot of users because internet has gain leadership.

25 NEWSPAPERS First newspaper, Takvim-i Vakayi was written by goverment in 1831.  First newspaper, Takvim-i Vakayi was written by goverment in 1831.  First private newspaper is Tercüman-ı Ahval MAGAZINES for children, women and men, tecnological, historical, cinema, teenager, health  for children, women and men, tecnological, historical, cinema, teenager, health  TÜBİTAK is the scientific Turkish magazine

26 TV CHANNELS Turkish Radio and Television Corporation, also known as TRT  Turkish Radio and Television Corporation, also known as TRT It was founded in 1964. Today, TRT broadcasts around the world, especially in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia It was founded in 1964. Today, TRT broadcasts around the world, especially in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.  RTÜK (Radio and Television Supreme Council), RTÜK was founded in 1994 and is composed of nine members elected. RTÜK is located in Ankara and maintains local offices in İstanbul, İzmir and Diyarbakır Turkey.

27 Television Channels in Hungary NationalCommercial ChildrenSportNewsFilmLocalMusic Satellite Introduced in 1957 Transmission in color started in 1971 Only one television channel until 1973 The history of television in Hungary

28 National television channels Hungarian Television: M1: 1957 m2.: 1973 M3: 2013 Most watched: News Duna Television: Launched: 1992 Made for Hungarian living all around the world

29 Commercial television channels These channels are privately owned and are the most popular. TV2 Launched 2 days before RTL KLUB Shows: Jóban Rosszban, Mokka RTL KLUB Launched in 1997 Shows: Barátok Közt, Fókusz They can be watched in 86 % of the country They are free

30 Local Channels Debrecen KecskemétSzombathely 6th district of Budapest They broadcast mostly news and advertisments. The average Hungarian spends 1,5 hour in front of the TV a day. Movies, Series and News are the third most watched programmes

31 Sport (Nemzeti Sport) Technical (Aero magazine) Teenage (Bravo) Scientific (Búvár) Tabloid (Blikk) Erotic (PlayBoy) Online (Bella Café) Regional (Kisalföld) Local (Téma) Politics (Népszabadság) Culture and Lifestyle (Alföld) Religious (A lélek szava) Service (ÁFOR Hírlap) Economic (Közgazdasági szemle) You can also separate them by topic:

32  Started on 7, September, 1998  Runs in other 23 countries  Has got (only in Hungary) more than 600 000 readers every day  Writes about Politics, Culture and Sport Nemzeti sport  18, September, 1903 was the day of the first page  As the topic says, writes about sport news in the world  220 000 read it, most of them are men Metropol Blikk Started in 1994 566 000 people buy it for 110 HUF every day Writes about sensationalism Nők Lapja Coming out since 20, October, 1949 90 000 people buy it every week. Specially for women, but can be interesting for men too. Writes stories, fashion and interviews

33 It was started on 1, October, 1999 74, 000 people listen to it every day It plays classical music and Jazz It is a public radio chanel that means the government pays it Its slogen says: „More than classical” Started its broadcoast on 1, December, 1933 940. 000 people vote for Petőfi Radio Usually called young people’s radio, because it plays the today popular and underground music It says: „Very Music” 1, February, 1949 was its first day 1, 4 millio people listen to it Doesn’t play only music, talks about culture, scientific and every day life It slogen says: „Feeling home in the world”

34 Started on 14, Febrary, 2000 Only in Budapest it has got more than 160.000 listener It doesn’t play only jazz, much more intresting music and interviews „Style and Addiction” Started on 19, November, 2009 2,1 millio people votes for it. With this number it’s the most popular radio in Hungary. Boradcasts music, news and everything you may need It says: „Only song hits, Class FM, the radio”


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