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Dish Washing Its dirty little job but every ones going to have to do it.

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Presentation on theme: "Dish Washing Its dirty little job but every ones going to have to do it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dish Washing Its dirty little job but every ones going to have to do it.


3 Scrape all food into trash containe r using a rubber scraper.

4 Stack all dishes to be washed.

5 Carry to the sink, carefully.

6 Fill sink with hot water and quarter sized portion liquid soap (not hand soap)

7 Wash thoroughly in every crevice

8 –Glasses, –flatware, –plates, –Cooking utensils and –pots and pans

9 Rinse thorough ly in hot water.

10 Place in drainer.

11 Dry carefully and completely using clean terry towel.

12 Put all dishs away in their proper drawers and cupboards

13 Drain water. Rinse out sink completely.

14 Run garbage disposal with cold water flowing into garbage disposal.

15 Dry sink and counters with used terry towels

16 Place wet terry towels and dirty/wet terrycloth’s in washing machine.

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