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Khmer Rouge: Pol Pot Genocide By Jessica Sokol, Chris Laug, Kristen Oettinger, Corin Geoghegan, and Sophia Bastedo.

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Presentation on theme: "Khmer Rouge: Pol Pot Genocide By Jessica Sokol, Chris Laug, Kristen Oettinger, Corin Geoghegan, and Sophia Bastedo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Khmer Rouge: Pol Pot Genocide By Jessica Sokol, Chris Laug, Kristen Oettinger, Corin Geoghegan, and Sophia Bastedo

2 Background of the Khmer Genocide ●A man named Pol Pot who was a part of the Cambodian Communist Party and he had to go into the jungle to escape Prince Norodom Sihanouk who was the leader of Cambodia. ●While Pol Pot resided in the in the jungle he came up with an armed resistance movement which was called Khmer Rouge ●The Khmer Rouge began by guerrilla warfare against Sihanouk’s government.

3 Goals of Pol Pot Genocide The goals of Pol Pot in Cambodia were to… ●Have a “purified” society, or a utopian society that he once observed in China ●To have absolutely no western influence (be isolated) - No religion, western culture, and capitalistic ideas ●Adapt on a communist peasant farming society ●Create his own “Super Great Leap Forward” - Strict form of communism and tension between enemies

4 How did people allow this? Many groups of people were being killed, the educated, the wealthy, Buddhist monks, police, doctors, lawyers, teachers… Etc. - If the majority of people are being killed who is there to stop it? Many people were afraid of the Government. If they spoke up they would be killed

5 Foreign Interaction ●In 1970 Prince Sihanouk was banished by a U.S group called the Right wing military coup.the U.S joined the once enemy to end Combondia new military government ●Mao Zedong also had an impact on Cambodian government giving them the idea to do there own great leap forward to help purify their government

6 Outcome of the Pol Pot Genocide - 25% of the country’s population was dead. - Death due to overwork, starvation, and execution. - Ethnic groups were attacked; Chinese, and cam muslims, along with twenty other small groups. - 50% of the population of about 425,000 chinese living in cambodia in 1975 were dead.

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