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Document title Transforming lives through learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Document title Transforming lives through learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Document title Transforming lives through learning

2 Glow tools and services Transforming lives through learning

3 Glow tools and services Transforming lives through learning

4 Glow tools and services Transforming lives through learning Glow Launchpad – access to a range of services Heading 2 Introduction copy introduction copy Fusce vitae sem ac arcu suscipit dapibus. Aliquam ac elit luctus, convallis neque quis, sollicitudin nunc. Donec fringilla quam in magna lacinia tristique.

5 Glow tools and services Transforming lives through learning

6 Glow tools and services Transforming lives through learning Glow Office 365

7 Glow tools and services Transforming lives through learning Newsfeed and searching and following

8 Glow tools and services Transforming lives through learning Sites to support Professional Learning

9 Document title Transforming lives through learning

10 Glow tools and services Transforming lives through learning Office Online and One Drive for storage and sharing

11 Glow tools and services Transforming lives through learning Sharing learning

12 Glow tools and services Transforming lives through learning Education Scotland Denholm House Almondvale Business Park Almondvale Way Livingston EH54 6GA T +44 (0)141 282 5000 E

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