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21 st Century Skills Ann Heinzen – EDT652 (WA07).

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1 21 st Century Skills Ann Heinzen – EDT652 (WA07)


3  Creative thinking to solve problems  Real time  Whole-brain thinking

4 Define Discover Dream Design Deliver Debrief 21 st Century Fluency Project

5  In science students will learn about Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. ◦ Students will learn how each person can positively/negatively impact our environment.  Students will gather information on the 3R’s from their home.  The class will create a listing of recyclable materials.  Students will research information on the how recycling can positively impact our environment.  Students will create posters educating others on the 3 R’s

6 Access digital information Assess information

7 Ask good questions Access/Acquire the material from the appropriate digital information sources Analyze and authenticate and arrange these materials Apply the knowledge within a real world problem Assess both the product and the process 21 st Century Fluency Project

8  Animal research project ◦ For this project, students will have the opportunity to choose a particular animal to research. ◦ The students will utilize internet, books and magazines to gather information. ◦ Students will utilize Microsoft Word to publish their reports. ◦ When they are done, students will present their reports to the class.

9  Teamwork  Virtual & real partners  Collaboration

10  Students will work in groups of 3 to research information on their favorite author.  Students will gather important information for presentation (internet research and books).  Students will create presentations utilizing Museum Box.

11 Create and publish original products Look analytically to interpret real message

12  As part of our science curriculum students will learn about the various habitats. ◦ Students will work in groups of 3 to gather information regarding a particular habitat. ◦ For research students will utilize the internet, books and magazines. ◦ Students will create a Power Point presentation to educate their peers about their habitat.

13  Artistic proficiency adds meaning through design, art, and storytelling.

14  Students will create a newsfeed for a particular day. ◦ Students will work in groups of 4 to create a news story. Students will research information, create scripts, backgrounds and then video their newsfeed. Students will then reflect upon the experience and the accuracy of their newsfeed.

15  Leadership  Ethics  Accountability  Fiscal responsibility  Environmental awareness  Global citizenship  Personal responsibility


17 Wordle

18  Students will learn about surfing the internet safely.  Librarian will introduce safe sites where students can gather information.  Students will complete a online safety quiz.

19  21st Century Fluency Project. (2011). The fluencies. Retrieved from  Crockett, L., Jukes, I., & McCain, T. (2010) Understanding the digital generation: Teaching and learning in the new digital landscape. Kelowna, BC: 21 st Century Fluency Project Inc.

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