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1 ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY EET 103/4  Explain and analyze series and parallel circuits  Explain, derive and analyze Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff Current Law, Kirchhoff.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY EET 103/4  Explain and analyze series and parallel circuits  Explain, derive and analyze Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff Current Law, Kirchhoff."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY EET 103/4  Explain and analyze series and parallel circuits  Explain, derive and analyze Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff Current Law, Kirchhoff Voltage Law, Source Transformation, Thevenin theorem.


3 3 8.2 Current Sources  The current source is often described as the dual of the voltage source.  A battery supplies a fixed voltage, and the source current can vary; but the current source supplies a fixed current to the branch in which it is located, while its terminal voltage may vary as determined by the network to which it is applied.

4 4 8.2 Current Sources

5 5  A current source determines the current in the branch in which it is located  The magnitude and polarity of the voltage across a current source are a function of the network to which it is applied

6 6 8.2 Current Sources

7 7 Example 8.1 Find V s, V 1 and I 1 :

8 8 8.2 Current Sources Example 8.1 – solution

9 9 8.2 Current Sources Example 8.2 Find V s, I 1 and I 2 :

10 10 8.2 Current Sources Example 8.2 – solution

11 11 8.3 Sources Conversion  An ideal source cannot be converted from one type to the other.  All practical sources – whether they are voltage or current – have some internal resistance.

12 12 8.3 Sources Conversion Practical voltage sourcePractical current source

13 13 8.3 Sources Conversion  The equivalence between a current source and a voltage source exists only at their external terminals.  A source and its equivalent will establish current in the same direction though the applied load.

14 14 8.3 Sources Conversion

15 15 8.3 Sources Conversion Example 8.4 (a) Determine I L. (b) Convert the voltage source to a current source. (c) Using the current source in (b), calculate the current through R L.

16 16 8.3 Sources Conversion Example 8.4 – solution

17 17 8.3 Sources Conversion Example 8.4 – solution (cont’d) I

18 18 8.3 Sources Conversion Example 8.4 – solution (cont’d) Voltage source Current sourceconverted to

19 19 8.3 Sources Conversion Example 8.4 – solution (cont’d) Voltage source and its equivalent current source with the same load

20 20 8.3 Sources Conversion Example 8.4 – solution (cont’d)

21 21 8.3 Sources Conversion Example 8.5 Determine I 2 :

22 22 8.3 Sources Conversion Example 8.5 - solution Convert the current source to a voltage source Note the polarity

23 23 8.3 Sources Conversion Example 8.5 – solution (cont’d) Reconnect the voltage source E 2 and its resistance R 2 :

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