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 Today, I will demonstrate mastery of Jacksonian Era and Westward Expansion.  Any last minute questions before you take your test?  Reading pgs. 374-77.

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Presentation on theme: " Today, I will demonstrate mastery of Jacksonian Era and Westward Expansion.  Any last minute questions before you take your test?  Reading pgs. 374-77."— Presentation transcript:

1  Today, I will demonstrate mastery of Jacksonian Era and Westward Expansion.  Any last minute questions before you take your test?  Reading pgs. 374-77.

2  You must have your desk cleared off, except for a writing utensil and your 3 by 5 note card.  You are not permitted to talk during the test.  Write in the letter for the multiple choice response.  Write in the word for the true or false response.  At the conclusion of your test, staple your note card to your test and begin reading 374-77.

3  Telegraph and Morse Code Telegraph and Morse Code  Plows and John Deere Plows and John Deere  Sewing machine Sewing machine  McCormick Reaper McCormick Reaper

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