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G RAPHS, G RAPHS, G RAPHS Why do I need to know this?

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Presentation on theme: "G RAPHS, G RAPHS, G RAPHS Why do I need to know this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 G RAPHS, G RAPHS, G RAPHS Why do I need to know this?

2 G RAPHS IN SCIENCE ? Graphs are VISUAL representations of information Graphs can take many forms- 3 of the most common are: Line Bar Pie/Circle Scientists collect LOTS and LOTS of data Graphs provide a nice way to look at the data and an easy way to make sense of it all

3 L INE G RAPHS Are used to show TRENDS = Change over Time X axis = independent variable Y axis = dependent variable

4 B AR G RAPHS Used to compare amounts or frequency of events X axis = independent variable Y axis = dependent variable Price of Corn Vs. Quantity Demand

5 P IE / C IRCLE G RAPH Used to represent PART out of WHOLE relationship To construct a Pie Graph: What is the “whole” How much are each “part” What percentage each “part” has of the whole

6 C ONSTRUCTING P IE G RAPHS What is the whole? TOTAL What percentage does each part have? = ( part/ whole ) X 100

7 C OMPONENTS ALL GRAPHS NEED CLEAR and CONSICE Title Fills most of the page- AXIS NUMBERS ARE SPREAD OUT Lines must be drawn with a RULER Axes have NUMBERS and LABELS They are NEATLY done

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