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Callon Leam. What is Job Scheduling? A job is referred to a computer process. Mostly referred towards databases, e-mails and system functionality. Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Callon Leam. What is Job Scheduling? A job is referred to a computer process. Mostly referred towards databases, e-mails and system functionality. Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Callon Leam

2 What is Job Scheduling? A job is referred to a computer process. Mostly referred towards databases, e-mails and system functionality. Method of setting up when tasks should occur and what to do afterwards. Flexible trouble shooting.

3 What Activebatch is used for? Mainly businesses, most commonly international. Has many different advantages. Flexible Access.

4 Features Triggers. Statistics. Wide Calender use. Easy creation of reports using graphs and lists.

5 Things to Consider Security. Enterprise Grade Design. Does your company need Activebatch?


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