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Analytical and synthetic expressions in Chinese and English See the last slide for a list of references.

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Presentation on theme: "Analytical and synthetic expressions in Chinese and English See the last slide for a list of references."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analytical and synthetic expressions in Chinese and English See the last slide for a list of references

2 1. Lexicalization the process of making a word to express a concept (TheFreeDictionary) the realization of a meaning in a single word or morpheme rather than in a grammatical construction (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary) A language has lexicalized a concept when it uses a word or other lexical items to represent this concept (from the article and ppt about Language Universals).

3 2. Two kinds of expressions Analytic Expression (分析型表达法 ) : description –Water is falling from the sky. Synthetic Expression (综合型表达法) : lexicalized –It is raining. Degree of lexicalization: Is English higher than Chinese? Most say yes. How can you prove this?

4 2.1 Analytic Expressions English syntactic causative structure often using: make/have/get +object +complement. –e.g. The pain made him cry out. Chinese: 使 / 令 / 让 + object +complement –e.g. 这则新闻使大家振奋了精神 (zhe ze xin wen shi da jia zhen fen le jing shen.)

5 2.1 English Synthetic Expression and some Chinese equivalents Derivation words constructed by affixes en- enrich 使 … 富有 Eager to enrich the treasury, the Crown began a rapid development of these resources. 金钱不能让人富有,只有产生金钱的资产才使你富有! dis- dispirit 使 … 沮丧 The presence of the Colonel walking at her side was dispiriting. 因一个委托任务,使我心情非常沮丧

6 -fy identify 使 … 等同于 The source of this paradox is not difficult to identify. VB 中怎样设置使按键盘上的按钮等同于点击设置的按钮 _ 百度知道 -ize modernize 使 … 现代化 We should modernize our country. 中国政治文化为什么没有使中国走向现代化道路

7 Zero derivation (Conversion): –Noun → Verb –Chinese ? light 光 → 使 … 发光 –We lit the room with a lamp. – 用手就能使灯泡发光的电灯泡

8 Single-morpheme words (simple words) excite 使兴奋,使激动

9 Examples of L1 interference Study knowledge ---  to learn

10 Pedagogical suggestions Give exercises showing differences. Give writing exercises where students should not use the verb “to be” or “have/had” or any of the other causatives listed above.

11 References Many thanks to Kiki Wang in year 4 who provided the ideas and much of the material for this ppt. 陈定安( 2006 ) - 《英汉比较与翻译》 pp.48-49, 63-64, 72, 129-138 何善芬 ( 2002 ) - 《英汉语言对比研究》 pp.104-112 lexicalization (2003-2008), TheFreeDictionary. Retrieved May 15, 2010, from lexicalization. (2010). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved May 15, 2010, from http://www.merriam- 严佳,卞浩宇( 2007 ) - “ 从词化程度看英汉使役关系表达的异同 ” from: 白国芳( 2007 ) - “ 英汉动词词化模式及词化程度比较分析 ” 陈文( 2007.11 ) - “ 中英文中红,白,黑颜色习语的翻译 ”

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