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CORRELATES OF TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS By Dr M.G. Sajjanar KLE Society`s College of Education Hubballi.

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1 CORRELATES OF TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS By Dr M.G. Sajjanar KLE Society`s College of Education Hubballi

2 1.CLARITY For teaching effectiveness probably the quality of teacher talk is more important than its quantity, substantial positive correlation is there between rated clarity of teacher talk and student achievement so teacher should Clarity the aims. Announce the topic in the from of title. Summarize the main points etc. Use of advance organizers

3 2. VARIABILITY Variety is desirable because it attracts the student's attention, arouses curiosity, prevents boredom, and gives new ways to learn. Variation is necessary in the style and method. Style in the classroom means teachers manner of expressing herself as reflected in the teachers gesturing, movement in the room. Tone, variation of enthusiasm.

4 Method in classroom refers to the more formal and self-consciousness aspects of teaching. Such as ways in which teacher interacts with students kinds of questions asked, sequence of questions, the pacing the tempo of the lessons the social arrangements, the activities provided to the students.

5 Variations can also be referred to the teaching materials and facilities on different themes, seasonal, geographical, national, cultural and others can be used as a bases for changes in material of instruction that is books, files, projects, bulleting boards and so on. Facilities outside the classroom such as parks factories, museums c can be used to lend variety of teaching environment.

6 3.Enthusiasm Highly enthusiastic teachers are more concerned about their subject, feels more responsible for whether or not his students end up knowing the materials. Keep the students attention till the end of lesson. He wants the students must develop interest and appreciation for his subject matter, he feels like salesman. Uses humor and tries to use example to draw the attention of students. He feels great opportunity to stimulate their interest, to stimulate their thinking and stimulate their enthusiasm about his subject.

7 4.Task oriented and /or business likes Teacher behavior is classified into task oriented, achievement oriented and /or business like has been assessed through student or observer rating scales. Teacher emphasizes the stimulation of thought or acquisition of information and skills.

8 5.Criticism Criticism by teachers and its effect on student achievement have investigated in 17 co relational studies. Boys receive more criticism than girls and lower pupil achievement is associated with greater teachers use of criticism. Too much criticism and disapproval indicate that something is wrong with teachers attitudes or methods, the curriculum, the organization, the schedule or and other factor that have been concerned with, except the student. So experimentation is needed whether, criticism cause low achievement or low achievement leads to criticism.

9 6.Teacher indirections. Acceptance of student ideas, it means using contributions of a student in the discussion consist of acknowledging, modifying, applying, comparing or summarizing what has been said or suggested by the student. This is included in FIAC as, favorable reaction because it indicates to the students that the teacher considers his idea to be worth taking seriously, reinforcing or motivating, it has cognitive values of repeating and reprocessing the ideas. Thus identified nine easily interpretable studies eight yielded positive correlations, teacher acceptance causes the higher achievement.

10 7.STUDENT OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN CRITERION MATERIAL Opportunity to learn as the amount of time allocated to the learner for learning of a given task. Despite of different conceptualizations of opportunity to learn some merger of the two conceptualizations seem worthwhile. This new conceptualization would focus on the amount of time allocation to the teaching of the content underlying each of the items concluded on the achievement test. A measure of students opportunity to learn criterion material appears to have value not only to correlate of student achievement but also a co- variate for student growth.

11 8.USE OF STRUCTURING COMMENTS Structuring statements provide on overview for what is about to happen or has happened have been identified and counted at the start and end of lessons and at the start of sequence questions.

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