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Magnesium Hydroxide Mg(OH)2 By Keegan Singh and Gyh Joo.

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Presentation on theme: "Magnesium Hydroxide Mg(OH)2 By Keegan Singh and Gyh Joo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnesium Hydroxide Mg(OH)2 By Keegan Singh and Gyh Joo

2 Current Important Uses of This Magnesium Hydroxide is used in antacid tablets to help neutralize stomach acid. It is also mainly used a laxative. A laxative is a tablet that helps loosen your stool. This is also used in deodorant. Sometimes Magnesium Hydroxide is used in chewable tablets and liquids which have various added flavors. Magnesium Hydroxide is mainly used in tablets and in any type of chewable medicine to help your body.

3 This Is Made By The Process Of First heat up magnesium sulfate, then add water to the result and that will make magnesium hydroxide and MgSo4(MgSO4+heat=MgO+SO3), (MgO+H20=Mg(OH)2).

4 Why would humans need it in space? Humans will need it in space because if astronauts go up in space and they get a stomach ache they will be able to make it better by making the magnesium hydroxide. Milk of magnesia is an acne killer, so people living in space can use this.

5 What equipment do you need to make this in space? The equipment that you need to take to make this in space is a heater/ mini can of fire, foil, water, Magnesium sulfate, a beaker, and litmus paper/universal ph paper

6 OUR ARGUEMENTS There are so many benefits of Magnesium hydroxide, it is contained in antacids, deo, laxatives, and lotion. If astronauts take this up into space they will stay clean and if they ever have stomach aches they can heal it.

7 If this was not produced in space what products would not be available to humans while living in space colonies? The things that we will not have are laxatives, antacids, deodorants, lotions.

8 Bibliography Works Cited "Magnesium Hydroxide." Magnesium Hydroxide. Wikipedia, n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2012.. "Making Magnesium oxide/hydroxide." Youtube. Chemical Network, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2012..

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