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Unit #1 – Age of Absolutism Lesson #1 – EUROPEAN EXPLORATION and CONQUEST (444- 475)

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Presentation on theme: "Unit #1 – Age of Absolutism Lesson #1 – EUROPEAN EXPLORATION and CONQUEST (444- 475)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit #1 – Age of Absolutism Lesson #1 – EUROPEAN EXPLORATION and CONQUEST (444- 475)

2 Essential Questions 1.What were some significant sailors of the 15 th century? What did they do? 2.Why was the voyage of Columbus in the year 1492 considered so significant compared to many other successful and impressive sailors of his era?

3 Prior to 15 th Century Wealth trade Dominated by Muslim traders – Wealth from Indian, Indonesia (East Indies) & China – Controlled the Indian Ocean trade Mediterranean Trade dominated by Venice – Controlled all goods entering Europe China wanted to control it all – Led by ADM Zheng He – His fleet eclipsed Europeans – After he died, next Ming Emperor destroyed fleet

4 Muslim Empire

5 Travels of Zheng He

6 Zheng He 6m From China Mammoth fleet Sought to gain prestige for China in Muslim trade region of Indian Ocean China, at the time, was confident they were the center of the world After him, the fleet was destroyed China started a long period of isolation Great Wall of China expanded, no more fleets

7 Portuguese Dominance Worked to bypass Muslim Middle East SCHOOL OF NAVIGATION (???) Prince Henry, the Navigator New inventions:The Caravel The sternpost Rudder The Lateen Sail the Compass and Astrolabe – Bartolemew Dias – Vasco da Gama

8 Inventions of the School of Navigation




12 Spanish Challenge Columbus – Ferdinand and Isabella – Had just defeated Moors at Granada – Goal: increase land ownership – Goal #2: get rich! – Goal #3: Christians Columbus – considered great because… – He had a “lasting effect” on the future Line of Demarcation – to avoid conflict with P. Pope Alexander VI

13 Treaty of Tordesillas (Line of Demarcation)

14 Full Comparison Zheng He traveled way farther with way more ships and men Portuguese were first to start European dominance Spain created a new direction for the World: domination by a region 10m John Green

15 Columbian Exchange (Led to a wealthy Spain in 1500s-1600s)

16 Colonization of the Americas

17 Encomienda feudal system to indoctrinate the Native American Indians into the Catholic faith The Indians were expected to pay a tribute to the Spanish Conquistadors in return for protection and religious instruction The Spanish Conquistadors had unrestrained power in America and they abused, oppressed, exploited and ill- treated the Native Americans. The Spanish Conquistadors and Encomienda system came to signify the oppression and exploitation of the Native Indians who lost their freedom, their rights, their culture and their religion. The Spanish Conquistadors were feared and hated.

18 Colonization of the Americas

19 Effect of Spanish System Start of Global Trade Roots of Americas Interest in Europe grew Lust for Gold and Power Led to French, English and Dutch fighting over the scraps to the North Spanish and Portuguese had well established Gold and Silver mines, and giant plantations Wealth from the Americas poured into the armies of Charles V and Philip II

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