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Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Tuesday, July 13, 2010

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1 Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Tuesday, July 13, 2010

2 Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.— Amen.

3 Memory Verse John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”

4 John 15:12-13 Impersonal Love Motivates Divine Good Production!

5 Doctrine of Relaxed Mental Attitude. Part 7

6 Human Spirit Doctrinal Orientation Mastery, Details of Life Relaxed Mental Attitude 3 Categories of Love (God, Right Man/Woman, Mankind) + Happiness of God

7 Having a RMA means that: a. You overcome fear b. You love yourself c. You have a mental attitude love towards others d. You are content in all areas of your life

8 C. Inner beauty is a Relaxed Mental Attitude, 1 Tim 2:9 ‑ 15; 1 Peter 3:1-6

9 Principles of a Doctrinal Woman: 1. The woman’s inner beauty is related to Bible doctrine resident in her soul, “with stability of thinking.”

10 You are not stabilized because of a pattern of life, you are stabilized because of a thought pattern, your RMA. Isa 26:3-4; Phil 4:7; 2 Thes 2:2

11 2 Thes 2:2, “That you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter…..”

12 Isa 26:3-4, “The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You. 4 Trust in the LORD forever, for in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.”

13 Phil 4:7, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

14 2. There is no such thing as true beauty in the woman apart from Bible doctrine in the soul. Therefore, inner beauty is Bible Doctrine resident in the soul.

15 3. The spiritually mature woman always possesses inner beauty.

16 4. Overt beauty without Bible doctrine becomes a facade for human good and evil.

17 5. The woman’s inner beauty demands respect. They are inspiring, a pleasure to be around, and stimulating when they have Divine viewpoint.

18 Without a Relaxed Mental Attitude, they are petty, implacable, vindictive, and vicious with their tongues.

19 6. The woman’s inner beauty becomes the source for capacity: capacity for life, capacity for love, capacity for blessing.

20 7. Overt grooming merely complements the inner beauty of the spiritually mature woman. Her real beauty is her inner beauty.

21 8. The secret to inner beauty is the Balance of Residency in the soul that comes from the daily function of GAP.

22 9. Overt beauty and grooming must not be neglected, but the Bible emphasizes the importance of inner beauty in the Royal Family of God.

23 10. Therefore, inner beauty is a part of the principle of having a RMA and “Laying down your life for your friends.”

24 Phil 2:5, “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.”

25 Grace Fellowship Church Tuesday, July 13, 2010 Tape # 10-079 Impersonal Love Motivates Divine Good Production Upper Room Discourse, Part 393 John 15:12-13; 1 Tim 2:9-15; 1 Peter 3:1-6; Isa 26:3-4; 2 Thes 2:2 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2010

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