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 SpS Auditing updated to record name rather than reference Staff ID  Staff accounts can be deleted even if SpS activity  Deleting Staff updated with.

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Presentation on theme: " SpS Auditing updated to record name rather than reference Staff ID  Staff accounts can be deleted even if SpS activity  Deleting Staff updated with."— Presentation transcript:

1  SpS Auditing updated to record name rather than reference Staff ID  Staff accounts can be deleted even if SpS activity  Deleting Staff updated with confirmation message on window rather than closing automatically to prevent application freezing Note: Deletion of students with SpS forms is not included in 12.0. This will be future change.

2  Grade Book Grid ◦ Arrow keys work! ◦ Copy and Clear options ◦ Tab moves across row ◦ Enter moves down  Standards Based Grid ◦ Arrow keys work! ◦ Copy and Clear options ◦ Tab moves across row ◦ Enter moves down

3  Assignments in classes using Custom Setup 2 grading scale no longer use the same tables or screens. Changing from one grading scale setup to another after assignments have been created will cause assignments to “disappear” to the user. ◦ Conversion utility will be available to move assignments over, but important to have users make sure their grading scale setup is done in advance of the upgrade. ◦ Assignment screens have differences in behavior and options for CS2 as compared to others.

4  Script provided with software upgrade will convert assignments for CS2 classes to new table structure. ◦ Assignment Banks – assignments for courses tied to elementary report cards will be copied to new assignment bank structure. ◦ Assignments in classes using CS2 will be converted to new table structure  Same indicators will be mapped  Point value for assignment will be applied to all mapped indicators  Marks assigned will be applied to all mapped indicators.

5  Ability to assign different values and marks to report card assessment calculations on single assignment (“Split Marks”) ◦ Overall grade assessment or not ◦ Interim assessments and report card assessments ◦ If points used, point value assigned to each individual assessment

6  Weight validation – between 0 and 100, up to 2 decimals  Point validation – between 1 and 1000, allows decimals  Updated messages & confirmations  Import marks allows separate marks for each assessment and user mapping of columns

7 Default Assessment based on grading scale setup and will total assessment points. Default Assessment point value can be overwritten, but do so after entering all other assessment point values. If no default assessment, none of the assessments are highlighted or total. If mark type is not points, points column is disabled. Once marks entered, assignment type cannot be changed.

8 Marks entered individually for each assessment. Tab key moves across row, skips Missing, Late and Exclude. Enter key moves down column. General assignment information moved to top of screen and is read only. Import Marks, Post marks and Exclude from all students moved to top right of screen. Save button at top right and below grid. Confirmation messages changed.

9 Assignment column for each assessment to which it is mapped. Hover over assignment header to view which assessment the column represents. Tab key moves across row. Enter key moves down column. TIP: Screen may be easier to use on CS2 classes if use the View option at the top to filter down to a specific assessment.

10  Classes using CS2 setup will default on Progress Details to group assignments by assessments.  If parent changes to View by Date, assignments listed for each assessment with description appended with assessment name.  Print Report link changed to a print screen rather than generating Student Progress Report.


12  Assignments cannot be copied between Default/CS1 and CS2 classes.  Assignments cannot be shared between Default/CS1and CS2 classes; and in CS2 classes can only be shared between classes that use the same assessments (i.e. Reading to Reading).

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