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Gas in Protoplanetary Disks
Thomas Henning Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg What is what Frontiers Science Opportunities with JWST, Baltimore, 2011
Planet Formation: Stages
In presence of gas In absence of gas dust Dynamical restructuring Star & circumstellar (or protoplanetary) disk
This Talk __________ How much time do we have to form planets?
Can we find water and organic molecules in disks? What can we do with JWST?
The Disk Structure __________
Small Structures – Low Mass – Low line/continuum ratio
The Gas Disks __________ Angular momentum and mass transport
Dynamics of dust and planets (Coagulation/Migration) Reservoir for the formation of molecules Wet Formation: Accretion of hydrated Silicates Dry Formation: Water delivery later by Asteroids an comets Water on Earth „Wet“ Formation (Drake 05) „Dry“ Formation (Morbidelli et al. 00)
3D Global Stratified MHD Simulation
__________ Radius:1-10 AU 8 pressure scale heights Blue Gene/P and Pluto code: Flock et al. (2011)
Ionization structure of a T Tauri disk
(Semenov, Wiebe, Henning, 2004, A&A, 417, 93) __________ Mixed grains (dead zone) Sedimentation See also Ilgner & Nelson (2006, 2007) „Layered“ vertical structure
Disk mass and planet mass
Mplanet=0.5 Mdisk Planet mass [Jovian masses] Maximal planet mass increases with disk mass. Log(Mdisk/MMSN) Mordasini et al. , submitted.
__________ PAHs in Protoplanetary Disks (Geers et al. 2007, RR Tau)
(Acke, Bouwman, Juhasz, Henning et al. 2010)
Dust and Gas Disk Lifetimes
__________ Haisch et al. (2001), Hernandez et al. (2008), … Fedele et al. (2010), …
Gas Disk Lifetimes < 10 Myr
__________ FEPS Spitzer Legacy IRS survey 20 stars with ages Myr => No gas rich disks (> 0.1 MJup) detected. In recent UV observations they get 10-6 as a limit (Ingleby et al. 2009) Hollenbach et al. (2005), Pascucci et al. (2006) See also: Ingleby et al. (2009)
Different stages of disk evolution
H V(km/s) log(/ m) Typical CTTS H ~ 10 Myr ~1 Myr V(km/s) log(/ m) Flattened, accreting disk H V(km/s) log(/ m) Non-accreting TO
A molecular disk at its edge
HD A This is a spectrum of a young star HD A at CO fundamental band at 4.7 um. The star is known to have a circumstellar disk, and for the first time, the inner most part is one dimensionally Imaged by the CO line emission. The CO emission lines are spatially extended as much as 50 AU at both sides of the star. And after subtracting the stellar continuum, the presence of inner cavity is uncovered. The size of the cavity is matched to the gravitational radius of the star, which strongly indicates that viscous accretion has evacuated the cavity together with photoevaporation. CO emission at 4.7 μm Gas in Keplerian orbit Inner cavity (r~11 AU) Coming closer to the star than HST Goto et al. (2006)
LkCa 15 – The SEEDS Collaboration
Offset between nebulosity center and star suggests eccentric outer disk; this is expected from dynamical influence of planets, and hard to explain otherwise. What physical object is it that we see as a bright crescent? Two possibilities: Illuminated wall of the disk on the far side. Forward-scattering on near-side disk surface. Thalmann et al. 2010 Inner truncation radius at 46 AU Espaillat et al. 2008 Thalmann et al. 2010 14
Disk Chemistry __________ __________
Large range of temperatures and densities Importance of stellar and interstellar radiation fields Ionization and heating sources: Cosmic rays, UV radiation, X-rays, extinct radionuclides Strong coupling between chemistry and dynamics (ionization, temperature structure, cooling) __________ Chem and Dyn are connected such that Dyn is related to ionization state of a disk, which in turn depends on Chem Dust and gas strongly coupled … __________
Disk Structure ~1000 AU 0.03 AU 100 AU ~500 AU
Observable region with interferometers ~1000 AU IS UV, cosmic rays hν, UV, X-rays Snowline (T=100K) photon-dominated layer warm mol. layer Only region r> AU is accessible with (sub)mm-interferometers “Sandwich”-like 3-layered structure: cold midplane (freeze-out), warm inermediate layer (mild UV, X-ray, rich chemistry, lines!), surface (only simle species/atoms) Accretion is thought to be driven by the so-called magnetorotational instability (next slide) cold midplane accretion puffed-up inner rim turbulent mixing 0.03 AU 100 AU ~500 AU
How to produce simple hydrocarbons?
__________ radiative association reactions with C Atomic oxygen is a poisson Gas-phase chemistry allows to build up simple molecules that can later freeze out or are ‘used’ to form larger species
Spectroscopy - An Essential Tool
ISO SWS disk spectrum of the Herbig Ae star HD (Malfait et al. 1998) and comet Hale-Bopp (Crovisier et al. 1997) for comparison DRM Documents, MISC Report, August 22nd, 2001 (Background) Apai et al. (2005); Flux at mJy level Pontoppidan et al. (2005)
H2 is a challenging molecule to detect Rotational lines between
5.05 µm and µm H2 has rotational lines between 5.05 and microns Bitner ea. (2007, AB Aur) Martin-Zaidi ea. (2009, HD 97048) See also Carmona ea. (2008) Not sensitivity, but disk structure! We use tracers for obtaining information about the gas.
The Disk Tracers Atomic and ionic fine structure lines ([NeII], [SiII], [SI], …) Diagnostic features of PAHs (11.3 microns) and dust grains Molecular lines (H2, H2O, CO2, …) (Gorti and Hollenbach 2008, Star of 1 Ms)
Observational constraints
UV: H2 emission from hot inner disks Optical wavelengths: [OI] emission IR: H2, CO, H2O, OH, … in warm inner disk (1-10 AU) and molecular ices in outer disk, key organic species CH4 (7.7 µm), C2H2 (13.7 µm), HCN (14.0 µm) FIR: CO, OH, … in warm outer disk surface (Sub)mm: CO and isotopes, HCO+, DCO+, CN, HCN, DCN, HNC, N2H+, H2CO, CS, HDO (?), CH3OH, CCH in cold outer disks (»10 AU) __________ Submm observations need interferometers – Sensitivity limited (ALMA required)
Spectroscopy at sub-mm wavelengths
__________ Dutrey et al. 1997 PDBI: Dutrey ea. 07, Schreyer ea.08, Henning ea. 10, …. Öberg ea. 10, 11 Thi et al. 2004; Kastner et al. 1997
Molecular Abundances in Disks
__________ Elevated ratio of CN/HCN indicates PDR-like chemistry Strong depletion of gas-phase species: radiation or freeze-out?
__________ IR Spectroscopy Reveals Complex Chemistry
700 K K K (Lahuis et al IRS 46 in Ophiuchus; Variable) see also Gibb et al for GV Tau) GV Tau (Haro 6-10) Strong absorption due to HCN, C2H2, CO (all warm) towards the primary HCN/CO = 0.6% C2H2/CO=1.2% CH4/CO= 0.37% HCN and C2H2 detected around a young low-mass star T ≳350 K Abundances several orders of magnitude higher than ISM dark clouds Production in inner (< 6 AU) disk or wind
Organic Molecules and Water
What is what Pascucci et al. (2009) Carr & Najita (2008) N atoms from photodissociation of N2 Diversity in inner disk atmosphere chemistry (e.g. Pontoppidan ea. 10, Carr & Najita 11, Teske ea. 11)
Water in Protoplanetary Disks
Dominant line-cooling of inner disk surfaces (~10-4 Lsun) (Pontoppidan et al. 2010) No H2O, but OH detection in Herbig Ae/Be disks – Photodissociation of water by FUV photons (Pontoppidan et al. 2010, Fedele et al. 2011) Mid-infrared lines come from ~1 AU with rotional temperatures between 500 and 600 K No detection of colder water vapor in outer disk regions with Herschel (Bergin et al. 2010) What is what VLT/VISIR: Pontoppidan ea. (10)
Water Formation: T < 100 K
Appropriate for outer disk (r ≳ 10 AU) Dominated by photodesorption on disk surface (Dominik et al. /Hollenbach et al.) Less than 1% of cosmic oxygen placed in H2O UV photon has to find a grain - water vapor abundance depends on <ngrσgr> O H2O OH γ ion-molecule reactions Og gr OHg H2Og Hg γ
Dust Evolution and Water Abundance
Vasyunin, Henning et al. (2011) Abundance of water is getting higher in mid-plane and in intermediate warm disk layer. Maximum of abundance shifts deeper into the disk which may prevent water vapor from being observed.
HD 100456 with Herschel CO, [OI], [CII], CO, H2O, CH+, …
What is what Sturm, Bouwman, Henning et al. (2010; see also Thi et al. 2011)
Key Science Questions for JWST
Inner Gaps and Radial Structure of Outer Disks Vertical Disk Structure (Gas-Dust Physics and Chemistry) Content of Water and Organic Molecules in Disks Fukagawa et al. 2004
Disk structure Spectroscopy Imaging
Dust settling revealed by imaging
PAH Image in PAH and dust continuum bands
Imaging gaps in transitional disks
VLT VISIR image 8.6 PAH 11.3 PAH 19.8 mm large grains IRS48 SR 21 Geers et al. 2007 Ratzka et al. 2007 Brown et al Pontoppidan et al. 2008 Eisner et al. 2009 Thalmann et al. 2010 Examples of disks known to have big enough gaps (~40 AU) to resolve with MIRI imaging and IFU
Vertical Protoplanetary Disk Structure
Mid-IR gas lines trace various depths in the disk (temperature and density profiling) Gas-dust physics (e.g. sedimentation) and thermal structure Key factors: Stellar irradiation characteristics, grain/PAH evolution, chemistry Surface density and disk mass kept constant; Dashed lines: AV=1, 10 mag contours
Uniqueness of MIRI/MRS
[Fred Lahuis] High spectral resolution, high sensitivity, continuous coverage: line-to-continuum ratio sufficient to detect minor species (res: ) extend studies to faint brown dwarf disks 10m)
Inventory of Organic Molecules in Disks of Various Evolutionary Stages
Key organic molecules such as CH4, C2H2, HCN, … Sample can be based on previous characterization with Spitzer/IRS, Herschel/PACS and Herschel/HIFI HNC, CH4, CH3, C2H6, CH3OH, … to be detected with MIRI
The Water Reservoir MIRI water lines come from an inner dense region
Woitke et al. (2009) The Power of the MIRI IFU F. Lahuis
Conclusions __________ __________ Rapid dust and gas evolution
Rich molecular chemistry in planet-forming disks Diversity in abundance of organic species Transition disks and exoplanets Bright future: ALMA, 30-40m class telescopes, JWST __________ __________
MIRI Science Disk Team Imaging and Spectroscopy of PP Disks
M. Barlow, D. Barrado, W. Benz, J. Blommaert, A. Boccaletti, J. Bouwman, L. Decin, A. Glauser, M. Güdel, Th. Henning, I. Kamp, P.-O. Lagage, F. Lahuis, G. Olofsson, E. Pantin, J. Surdej, T. Tikkanen, E. van Dishoeck, H. Walker, R. Waters, B. Vandenbussche ISO+Spitzer+HST+Chandra+Herschel+VLT/VLTI+IRAM/JCMT/SMA/VLA+Modeling
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