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Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 1 Family Atherinidae  Silversides  Local species: oAtlantic Silverside (Menidia menidia) oInland Silverside (Menidia beryllina)

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Presentation on theme: "Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 1 Family Atherinidae  Silversides  Local species: oAtlantic Silverside (Menidia menidia) oInland Silverside (Menidia beryllina)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 1 Family Atherinidae  Silversides  Local species: oAtlantic Silverside (Menidia menidia) oInland Silverside (Menidia beryllina) Menidia beryllina

2 Grunion Spawning and Fertilized Eggs

3 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 3 Family Atherinidae  Elongate bodies with very small terminal mouths  Large eyes, 2 separate dorsal fins  Form schools inshore; both marine and freshwater  The Waccamaw silverside is endemic to Lake Waccamaw and is on the federal endangered species list

4 Menidia beryllina Menidia menidia

5 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 5 Schooling Behavior

6 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 6 How do fishes school?  Most schooling fishes depend on vision for group cohesion oEvidence?  Lateral line is integral in spacing and coordinating synchronized movements

7 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 7 Why do fish school?  Hydrodynamic efficiency  Increased efficiency in locating prey  Reproduction  Reduced predation risk oDilution effect oConfusion effect

8 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 8 Family Holocentridae  Squirrelfishes  Common species: oSquirrelfish (Holocentrus adscensionis) oBlackbar Soldierfish (Myripristis jacobus) Holocentrus adscensionis

9 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 9 Holocentridae Characteristics  Nocturnal, live on coral reefs and rocky shores  Frequent vocalizations used for communication Myripristis jacobus

10 Holocentridae Characteristics

11 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 11 Family Fistulariidae  Cornetfishes  Local species: oRed Cornetfish (Fistularia petimba) oBluespotted Cornetfish (Fistularia tabacaria)

12 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 12 Fistulariidae Characteristics  Share many similar characteristics with the Aulostomids (Trumpetfishes)  Long snout with a large mouth at the end oUsed as a pipette-slurp-gun to suck up prey  Found on reefs as lie and wait predators odorsal scutes, and lacks chin barbel

13 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 13 Family Aulostomidae  Trumpetfishes  Local species oTrumpetfish (Aulostomus maculatus)

14 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 14 Aulostomidae Characteristics  Rounded caudal fin, ctenoid scales, and barbels on the chin  Masters of disguise, approaches prey and feeds in manner similar to Fistulariids

15 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 15 Trumpetfish

16 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 16 Family Syngnathidae  Pipefishes and Seahorses  Local species: oLined Seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) oNorthern Pipefish (Syngnathus fuscus)

17 Australian Seadragon

18 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 18 Syngnathidae Characteristics  Found in shallow marine waters worldwide  Cryptic coloration, body armor, and very secretive habits

19 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 19 Seahorses  Caudal fin is modified prehensile organ for gripping  Swim in upright fashion feeding on invertebrates (hydroid colonies)

20 Pipefishes

21 Atherinidae thru Syngnathidae 21 Seahorse Reproduction  All Syngnathids are viviparous oMale seahorse has a brood pouch on the underside of the tail oFemale lays eggs in the pouch where they incubate oYoung are expelled once they are able to swim

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