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APUSH UNIT 1 Chapter 1 Discovering the New World.

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Presentation on theme: "APUSH UNIT 1 Chapter 1 Discovering the New World."— Presentation transcript:

1 APUSH UNIT 1 Chapter 1 Discovering the New World

2 #1 What were 3 important aspects of Native American societies prior to their discovery by Europeans

3 Agriculture

4 Political

5 Architectural

6 #2 What comments do you have about the differing views of the relation of humans to nature held by Europeans (humans have dominion over the earth) and Native Americans (humans must live in harmony with nature)?

7 Native

8 Europeans

9 #3 # 3 What three factors mentioned by the authors as coming together to produce the voyage of Columbus.

10 Transportation Caravel Compass Astrolabe

11 Portuguese Exploration

12 Spanish Unification

13 #4 How did the New World discovery build an interdependent global economic system? What were the distinctive roles played by Europe, Africa, and America in this new system?

14 Europe

15 Africa

16 America

17 #5 What were the major factors and effects of the Columbian Exchange on Europe and the New World? America to Europe Europe to America

18 Columbian Exchange From the New World (America) to the Old From the Old World to the New Corn, potatoes, tobacco, beans, peppers, manioc, pumpkin, squash, tomato, wild rice, etc. Syphilis Cows, pigs, horses, wheat, sugar cane, apples, cabbage, citrus, carrots, Kentucky bluegrass, etc Devastating diseases (smallpox, yellow fever, malaria), as Indians had no immunities.

19 Columbian Exchange

20 Black Legend

21 #6 What main difference do the authors point out between Spanish interaction with native peoples and that of the English?

22 Spanish

23 English

24 APUSH Unit 1 Chapter 2 The Planting of English America 1500-1733

25 #1 What was the primary purpose of the English settlement of Jamestown, and how successful were the colonists in achieving that goal in the first 20 years?

26 Competition with SpainProtestant Reformation

27 Irish UprisingElizabeth & Phillip

28 OverpopulationEconomic Incentives

29 #2 In what ways did the relationship between Whites and Native Americans in Virginia establish the pattern for later relations across N. America?

30 Powhatan Confederacy Lord De La Warr and Irish Tactics

31 1 st & 2nd Powhatan WarThe 4 Ds

32 #3 What features were common to all of England’s southern colonies, and what features were peculiar to each one?

33 VirginiaMaryland

34 West IndiesCarolinas

35 Georgia

36 #4 Which was the most important factor shaping the development of England’s southern colonies in the 17 th century?

37 Indian Relations

38 One Crop Plantation Economy

39 Slavery

40 APUSH UNIT 1 Chapter 3

41 #1 Compare and contrast the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies.

42 New England Motives for Founding Religious and Social Composition Economic Foundations Political Development

43 Middle Motives for Founding Religious and Social Composition Economic Foundations Political Development

44 Southern Motives for Founding Religious and Social Composition Economic Foundations Political Development

45 #2 How did the Puritans’ distinctive religious outlook and church organization shape the politics, society, and culture of Massachusetts Bay and other New England colonies?

46 Protestant Reformation Calvinism

47 Henry VIIIPuritans & Pilgrims

48 Bible Commonwealth

49 #3 “The dissent from Puritanism was as important in the formation of New England as Puritanism itself.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement?


51 #4 Contrast Puritan New England’s policies toward the Native Americans with the initial policies of the Quaker settlers in Pennsylvania. Why was Penn’s policy ultimately unsuccessful?

52 Spread of English Settlement Wampanoag Indians

53 Pequot WarKing Phillip’s War

54 Penn’s Quakers

55 #5 Describe and analyze the English government’s relationship with the colonies in the 17th century. Is the term benign neglect an accurate description of English colonial policy?

56 New England Confederation Dominion of New England

57 Navigation LawsGlorious Revolution

58 Salutary “Benign” Neglect

59 #6 What economic, social, and ethnic conditions typical of the early southern colonies were generally absent in the New England and middle colonies? What characteristics did the middle colonies have that were not generally present in the south?

60 Economic

61 Social

62 Ethnic

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