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2014 SLMS AGA Membership Basics…. Today’s Agenda New Member Types How to Join What Happens Next? The New Member Renewal Cycle (Interim Renewal Process)

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Presentation on theme: "2014 SLMS AGA Membership Basics…. Today’s Agenda New Member Types How to Join What Happens Next? The New Member Renewal Cycle (Interim Renewal Process)"— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 SLMS AGA Membership Basics…

2 Today’s Agenda New Member Types How to Join What Happens Next? The New Member Renewal Cycle (Interim Renewal Process) Online Membership Report Access Other Resources Ask the National Office

3 Member Types 7 Types of Memberships Student – Full Time & NOT Employed Early Career – Recent Grads <3 years of work history Full Government – 3+ years of work history Private – 3+ years of work history Retired – Not working in finance. Only for existing AGA members who retire. Lifetime – 40+ years of consecutive AGA membership E-Professor – online only membership for academics

4 New Members – Joining Online

5 Step 2 – Creating an AGA Account

6 Step 3 – Creating an AGA Account

7 Existing Account?

8 Account Created!

9 Login to AGA Account & Join

10 Online Profile

11 Join Online!

12 Online Join Email Confirmation

13 Complete Traditional Application Required for paper applications: Full name At least one complete mailing address including suite, floor or apartment # Email Phone Prefer to have both Work and Home information Mail to AGA National ASAP!!

14 What Happens Next? Online applications receive immediate email confirmation Paper applications receive email confirmation when processed at AGA National Within 30 days – all new members – welcome email Within 30 days – new member welcome package After the first 120 days – new member survey After first year – anniversary email

15 New Member Renewal Cycle (Interim Renewal Process) The AGA renewal & fiscal year runs from April 1 – March 31 What is an interim join? Includes anyone who joined from May 1 to Dec. 31, 2013. They have a paid through date of 3/31/2014 AND a status of ‘A’ for Active. (see your chapter new member reports) About 60 days from their original join date, they will receive a renewal invoice with a prorated amount that will take them to the end of the current fiscal year. The following renewal season, they will be in line with AGA’s annual renewal year and receive an annual renewal invoice reflecting the entire dues amount at the same time as all other members.

16 Online Membership Reports

17 Chapter Resources

18 Membership Reports

19 Other Chapter Resources AGA Staff Recruitment Materials AGA Insider & Membership Matters! newsletters Chapter Retention Contest (coming soon!) Recruitment Scholarships – September Online Calendar of Events – post yours! Website templates Recruitment & Retention resources online

20 POP Quiz! Q. How many years of employment for Early Career? A. 3 or LESS Q. Can you join at the Retired rate? A. No, for existing members who retire and want to remain an AGA member. Q. When do new members receive welcome packages? A. Within 30 days of their join date. Q. What is an interim join? A. Someone who joins between May 1 and Dec 1 Q. How do you get membership reports? A. Online when you login to the Chapter Resources

21 Ask the National Office Questions? Membership: Jill Murphy - (memberships new/renewal/retention) Jessica Jones – (chapters dues/governance) Susan Fritzlen – CGFM: Crystal Vanison – (status change, reactivate) Katya Silver –

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