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ATLAS Heavy Ions Executive Summary: Challenged by DOE in 9/2005 to:  Firm up our plans (needs matched to concrete resources).  Get personnel commitments.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS Heavy Ions Executive Summary: Challenged by DOE in 9/2005 to:  Firm up our plans (needs matched to concrete resources).  Get personnel commitments."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS Heavy Ions Executive Summary: Challenged by DOE in 9/2005 to:  Firm up our plans (needs matched to concrete resources).  Get personnel commitments from collaborators under the “no new money in FY2006-07 (-08?)” constraint.  Make progress on Heavy Ion Simulations & clarify ATLAS detector advantages for Heavy Ion physics. Status in 2/2006:  Bottom-up needs evaluation: 34.5 person-years 2/2006-5/2009  220 Software subtasks  Complete ZDC GANTT chart  BNL, Columbia, Iowa State, SUNYSB (Chem.): 54.5 FTE-years + 21 FTE-years internationally. These are lower limits.  Significant simulation progress. Detector advantage studies beginning.

2 ATLAS HI Milestones  So far:  Feb. 2006: “Healthy” HI events simulated and reconstructed in ATHENA.  May 2006: CSC: Central Services Challenge  ATLAS mock data challenge  July 2006: ZDC LOI approved by ATLAS  Sept. 2006: ATLAS ZDC presentation to LHCC  Oct. 2006: Physics Performance Report  0 th order algorithms needed  June 2007: Pilot run for pp (ZDC & HI Software)  Nov. 2008: Ready for PbPb run  ATLAS HI Tier 1 must be ready also  May 2009: Ready to publish…

3 Personnel – current commitments  BNL, Columbia, Iowa State, SUNYSB(Chm) committed to ATLAS with current funding levels.  A little more money for postdocs & travel would, of course, help. CY 2006 CY 2007 CY 2008 US FTEs Non-US FTEs Total FTEs 10 20 30 5 15 25

4 ZDC Proposal: Use BNL-NP baseline capital Complete project plan available Note: Collaborating with Zeller et al. (HEP) from Yale

5 Operations Budget U.S. Atlas Heavy Ion Physics - Operations Constant FY 05 $k FY06FY07FY08FY09 CostsUSBNL USBNL USBNL USBNL total newtotal newtotal newtotal new Labor870490016909500221011307033101310160 MST19270032910804261301862015038 Computing50 0 0325 350 M&O Cat.A41.616010538.5014648.86.124963.914.2 Total115462602174114703107163441945291874562 Staffing U.S. Authors1350197024813592 FTE's6.22013.93.8018.650.82761.8 Assumes additional university manpower in FY09 over current commitments & 1 new BNL postdoc in FY08 & FY09

6 ATLAS Heavy Ions @ LHC  Barnes committee: Primary LHC HI goals 1. Properties of initial state: Low-x physics (CGC) 2. Thermalization and collective motion (sQGP) 3. Jets and jet quenching (QGP)  ATLAS Strengths  Acceptance (  =2 ,  =10)  goals 1, 2, 3  Calorimeter segmentation  goals 1, 2, 3  Clean Muon spectrometers  goals 1, 3  High rate Trigger, DAQ  goals 1, 3  Synergy w/ high energy ATLAS groups  Critical to success of whole program

7 ATLAS Calorimetery EM Long. Segmentation Hadronic Barrel Hadronic EndCap EM EndCap EM Barrel Forward

8 Unique Longitudinal Segmentation Full EMCAL responseLayers 2&3 alone are cleaner Using Layer 0&1 as absorbers Recent simulation: Cole, Leltchouk, Grau (Columbia U.) 2&3

9 Jet “Signal”/ HIJING “Noise” Full EMCAL responseLayers 2&3 only S/N twice as good. Unique to ATLAS

10 ATLAS HI Summary  Why ATLAS (vs. CMS or ALICE)?  ATLAS detector superior for jet-finding  Better resolution & longitudinal segmentation for understanding the “background” of the underlying event than CMS.  ALICE calorimeter is not in the same league.  BNL/QCDLab as host for RHIC & ATLAS makes this natural  Good progress since September 2005  Better planning  Committed Collaborators  Studies underway

11 ATLAS HI Backup

12 Tasks (through May 2009)  Software: 220 tasks for 31.5 person-years  ATHENA/Simulations  1.5 person-year (starting now)  Day 1 Readiness + Physics results  3 person-years + 1.5 person-year  Quarkonia + Publication  1.5 person-year + 0.5 person-year  Tracking  1.5 person-years  Jet finding/reconstruction – Main Physics Focus  19 person-years  Project Management  3 person-years  ZDC: 3 person-years

13 Operations w/ just committed manpower U.S. Atlas Heavy Ion Physics - Operations Constant FY 05 $k FY06FY07FY08FY09 CostsUSBNL USBNL USBNL USBNL total newtotal newtotal newtotal new Labor870490016909500214010600216010600 MST192700329108042611204411120 Computing50 0 0325 350 M&O Cat.A41.616010538.5014642.7017849.70 Total115462602174114703037154032531291572350 Staffing U.S. Authors1350197024702570 FTE's6.22013.93.8018.64.2019.14.20

14 Operations from 9/2005 U.S. Atlas Heavy Ion Physics - Operations Constant FY 05 $k FY06FY07FY08FY09 CostsUSBNL USBNL USBNL USBNL total newtotal newtotal newtotal new Labor44529508805008013207502051790840295 MST135550275105354201507562017095 Computing50 0 0325 350 M&O Cat.A25100602559035151354020 Total655410012656801202155126062028951400760 Staffing U.S. Authors9401772249435105 FTE's4.51.5010.53.51.51863.52774.5

15 Low-x

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