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Statistics Netherlands 1 Flexible Work and working hours in the Netherlands Johan van der Valk.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics Netherlands 1 Flexible Work and working hours in the Netherlands Johan van der Valk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics Netherlands 1 Flexible Work and working hours in the Netherlands Johan van der Valk

2 Statistics Netherlands 2 Content 1.Flexible contracts -Type of contracts -Characteristics flexworkers 2.Overtime work –Incidence –Characteristics overtime workers 3.Summary

3 Statistics Netherlands 3 Flexible work Table 1, Flexible work, employees 15-64 years, NL LFS 2003 fixed hour contract yesnoTotal % Fixed term contract4.64.99.4 <3 months0.40.50.9 3-6 months0.70.41.2 6-12 months1.93.35.2 Contract of duration >= 1 year1.60.62.2 Contract of unlimited duration87.13.590.6 Total91.78.3100.0

4 Statistics Netherlands 4 Flexible work by age

5 Statistics Netherlands 5 Flexible work by sex and age

6 Statistics Netherlands 6 Flexible work by sex and position in household (30-49 yr)

7 Statistics Netherlands 7 Flexible work by etnic background

8 Statistics Netherlands 8 Flexible work by working time

9 Statistics Netherlands 9 Working Overtime Table 2, Regularly working overtime, employees 15-64 years, NL LFS 2003 overtime compensated in time ye s no Total % no overtime 69 overtime 1319 31 compensated in money 5712 not compensated in money 71219 Total691319100

10 Statistics Netherlands 10 Working overtime by age

11 Statistics Netherlands 11 Working overtime by sex and age

12 Statistics Netherlands 12 Working overtime by sex and position in household (30-49 yr)

13 Statistics Netherlands 13 Working overtime by educational attainment

14 Statistics Netherlands 14 Summary Flexible work Low incidence: 13 % –Fixed term contract: 9 % –Flexible hours: 8% –Both: 5% Young persons (student) Women with children Immigrants Part-time work and flexible contract combined

15 Statistics Netherlands 15 Summary Working overtime High incidence: 31 % –Compensation in money: 12 % –Compensation in time: 13% –No compensation: 12% High educated employees Men more than women Men 30-49 year (part of couple) Share overtime work without compensation increases with age

16 Statistics Netherlands 16 Flexible Work and working hours in the Netherlands Thank you for listening

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