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RD 115 Critical Thinking and Power Reading Advanced Learning System Secret Dendrite Growing Process All new knowledge, or skills, your brain learns depend.

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Presentation on theme: "RD 115 Critical Thinking and Power Reading Advanced Learning System Secret Dendrite Growing Process All new knowledge, or skills, your brain learns depend."— Presentation transcript:


2 RD 115 Critical Thinking and Power Reading

3 Advanced Learning System Secret Dendrite Growing Process All new knowledge, or skills, your brain learns depend upon your past experiences. Memories are stored in the brain using a very specific system based on brain cells called neurons and the tiny filaments that grow between them. Each new item you learn must connect to dendrites next to a memory brain cell that has already grown. This is the secret to your accelerated learning system!

4 Brain Parts and Functions

5 Brain Activity

6 Dendrite Model

7 Dendrite Growth Pattern

8 The Advanced Critical Thinking College Note Taking Process by Eldon McMurray & John Sperry

9 95% of Test Material is Explained Orally

10 CURIOUS LISTENER Use the SECRET CLASSROOM Choose Where you sit by your Be more a CURIOUS LISTENER Use the SECRET CLASSROOM Choose Where you sit by your Visual Learners Auditory Learners Stay out of Back corners Learning Style

11 SPERRY NOTES Time Sensitive Hours5 Research based Questions5 Spaced Review Days5 Metacognitive Critical Thinking Note taking Process Flow 100% 24 hours Forget 80% in Time Remember Professors discuss at least 5 test questions a day Use spaced review starting 5 days before the test 5 hours 10%

12 Categorize Recognize Analogize Prioritize Synergize Summarize 1.Categorize notes by showing relationships 2.Recognize what you know and what you don’t know 3.Analogize what you don’t know. What is it “most like?” 4.Prioritize it by how important it is to the professor. Any clues given? 5.Synergize your notes with a classmate to make them as complete as possible. 6.Summarize Predict the Test questions from this days note. Process FlowCritical Thinking

13 Class or Reading NotesCritical Thinking Process notes into memories Date Chapter/Topic pages _ Take basic notes on the left hand page _ Start each new idea with a dash for numbering later during process flow. This allows ideas freedom to move _ If the professor goes back to an earlier idea just continue writing _ Just number the idea the to show the relationships same as before _ 1.Process your notes on the right hand page 2. Create an analogy to what you know 3. Create visuals to help you remember 2. Coordinate numbers and ideas from the right hand page 3. Make up mnemonic devices to remember 4. Write them as questions

14 1. What cell structure is called the “Fluid Mosaic Model?” Phosphorus 1.between Double layer of lipid structure of the plasma membrane? 2. What is a characteristic of all living cells? 3. Osmosis, Assisted- Diffusion and Phagosytosis are_____ Waste __A Plasma Membrane is a phospho-lipid bi-layer __All cells have PM __PM controls flow of molecules into and out of the cell __3 types of inter cellular flow Osmosis Assisted Osmosis Phagosytosis Class NotesCritical Thinking Process Flow H2OH2O Date 9/3/02 Chapter 4 Topic: Cells pages

15  “Talking” with Textbook authors  Talking about the where the book fits into the world scheme  Building the new dendrite framework with post-it note technology

16  “Visualizing concepts to connect and memorize faster  Questions, Questions, always more test questions  Increasing eye tracking fluency with a pencil for better reading speed

17  Understanding language structure for context capture  Setting and using comprehension fix-up checkpoints

18 Information to be learned in question form. Side A: Side B: Answer to side A Add a picture to learn the term 3 times faster Answer to side B Phrased as a question Add a picture to learn the term 3 times faster

19 SMART Q-Card What are the components of METABOLISM? Why do living things need METABOLISM? ENERGY? How do living organisms obtain are three components of ____________________? 1. uptake 2. process 3. eliminate

20 a 2 -b 2 =(a+b)(a-b) Difference of squares What is the formula for factoring is the formula for factoring _________. 2 - 2 =( + ) ( - - ) Side A: Chapter pp358 Side B:

21 (a+b)(a-b) a 2 -b 2 How do I factor is the factorization of _________? 2 - 2 =( + ) ( - - ) Side A: Chapter pp369 Side B:

22 Creating SMART Q-Cards give yourself “The Edge” –Each time you study the card, use a different VOICE (whisper, question, shout, or sing enthusiastically!) –Repetition & novelty are the 2 keys to remembering –Use WAIT or WASTED time –Must be portable. Carry them with you –Must be easy to use or you won’t...

23 Repetition & Novelty Active RECALL  Repeat repeat repeat  Emotional connections  Color visuals  All 5 senses  Little voices  Listen to music 2 Stack Study System Review Stack Active Stack 2-3 times a day until learned Weekly check To keep dendrites fresh

24 Biology Mid-term 2 Enzymes Aerobic Cellular Respiration Photsynthesis DNA & RNA 11X17=2pages Transcription Translation Ph scale Glycolisis Krebs cycle ETS Photo System I Photo System II Key terms SELFISH Q-Cards Key terms SELFISH Key terms SELFISH Active site Goal 300m 100m 200m Day1 23 4 5 Minutes

25 M astery of content Who? What? When? Where? Why? U nderstanding the criteria S ynthesis of constructs What if... I nvolvement For concrete How?

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