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Projet AXxes Technical Review August 2008. 57 AXxes-assisted HZs.

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Presentation on theme: "Projet AXxes Technical Review August 2008. 57 AXxes-assisted HZs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Projet AXxes Technical Review August 2008

2 57 AXxes-assisted HZs

3 AXxes Project Organizational Chart


5 Health Service Care Utilization



8 Rehabilitating Health Infrastructure

9 Status of Rehabilitation Projects % CompletionCRSECCWVTotal% 100%2719166235% 75 à 99%357159% 50 à 75%61773017% moins de 50%243786939% Total607838176

10 Pania Mutombo BCZS

11 Kamayi Health Center and Maternity, Kayamba HZ

12 Incinerator

13 Reproductive Health and Family Planning






19 Health ZonesQ5Q6Q7Total IBANDA 604498202 SHABUNDA 0055 KABONGO 0270 TSHIKAJI 25121451 LODJA 0011 MULONGO 0120 DIBINDI 0112 LUBUDI 08412 MANIKA 0202 MUTSHATSHA 0101 TOTAL 85107123315 FISTULA REPARATION

20 Immunizations



23 Cold Chain Support



26 Water and Sanitation


28 Slabs with soil mold, HZ Kabongo

29 Kabulo, Kitenge ZS

30 Malaria



33 All of the Roll Back Malaria components have been reinforced including ITNs. AXxes partners received and distributed 172,000 Long Lasting Impregnated Nets (92,000 for ECC; 56,000 for CRS and 24,000 for WVI) during this Y2 ACTs are now available in HZs and the process of reducing the price is going on : 300 FC for adult and 150 Fc for children

34 Tuberculosis





39 254 clinical staff workers have been trained in PMTCT: Kasai Occidental (4HZs): 33 Kolwezi (5 HZs): 43 Mbujimayi (4 HZs): 36 Lodja (1 HZ): 9 Haut-Lomami (6 HZs): 60 N. Sud-Kivu (5 HZs): 65 PMTCT “focal points”: 8

40 PMTCT USAID IndicatorsResults Number of service outlets providing the minimum package of PMTCT services according to national and international standards (1.1) 77 Number of pregnant women who received HIV counseling and testing for PMTCT and received their test results (1.2) 12,097 Number of HIV infected pregnant women who received antiretroviral prophylaxis for PMTCT in a PMTCT setting (1.3) 57 Number of health workers trained in the provision of PMTCT services according to national and international standards (1.4) 254 Number of HIV-positive pregnant women or lactating women receiving food and nutritional supplementation in a PMTCT setting (1.5) Not applicable

41 Health Systems Strengthening


43 Component B Provision of HZ with SNIS forms and Integrate GESIS in HZ (training and provision of computers) Support to monthly reviews by HZMTs w/ providers & COGE Support to HZ Administrative Councils (36/57) Improve drug supply management to reduce stock outs and track credit system Conduct integrated and formative supervisions by HZMT to each HC every month Train and support NGOs in proposal development & management

44 PROMISING PARTNER’S GRANT Four new grants, ranging from $25,000 to $30,000, were selected this quarter for funding and submitted to the USAID for approval.

45 Component C Support to Three national workshops PNSR strategic plan revision of surveillance tools and forms SNIS reinforcement with the international HMN tool Assistance to PEV and gavi CSO with the technical support of Basics Support provincial/district technical meetings (BTD, CPP, BTP) and to supervise quarterly: Support the supervisions of the MOH intermediate level by the central level selected directions and programs

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