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ME 201 Engineering Mechanics: Statics

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1 ME 201 Engineering Mechanics: Statics
Chapter 5 – Part D Equilibrium in Three Dimensions 5.5 Free-Body Diagrams 5.6 Equations of Equilibrium 5.7 Constraints and Statical Determinancy

2 Constraints for a Rigid Body
Statically Determinate – reactive forces can be determined from equations of equilibrium Statically Indeterminate – more unknown forces than equations of equilibrium. Requires use of deformation conditions to solve (Strength of Materials). Redundant Constraints – more supports than necessary to hold body in equilibrium Improper Constraints - # of unknowns may be okay, but improperly constrained – may cause instability

3 Equilibrium in 3-Dimensions
Support Reactions A force is developed by a support that restricts the translation of the attached member A couple is developed when rotation of the attached member is prevented ∑F = 0 ∑M = 0 ∑Fx = 0 ∑Fy = 0 ∑Fz = 0 ∑Mx = 0 ∑My = 0 ∑Mz = 0

4 Common Support Reactions (See also Text pages 238-239)
2D 3D Simple or Roller Support 1 unknown: 1F, 0M Smooth Surface Support Roller Support Pin or Hinge Support 2 unknowns: 2F, 0M Ball & Socket Support 3 unknowns: 3F, 0M Fixed Support 3 unknowns: 2F, 1M 6 unknowns: 3F, 3M

5 Example Problem Given: A-ball joint BC, BD-cables F=1 kN Find:
A, TBC, TBD z x y 6m A C B D 3m F (0,0,6) (-3,6,0) (6,0,0) How many unknown? 5 unknowns: Ax, Ay, Az, TBC, TBD

6 Example Problem Solution
Given: A-ball joint BC, BD-cables F=1 kN Find: A, TBC, TBD Solution: 1-FBD 2-Force (vectors) z x y 6m Ax C B D 3m 1 kN (0,0,6) (-3,6,0) (6,0,0) Ay Az TBC TBD z x y 6m A C B D 3m F (0,0,6) (-3,6,0) (6,0,0)

7 Example Problem Solution
1-FBD 2-Force (vectors) 3-Eqn of Equil z x y 6m Ax C B D 3m 1 kN (0,0,6) (-3,6,0) (6,0,0) Ay Az TBC TBD 5 unknowns 3 from ∑F , 2 from ∑M

8 Example Problem Solution
1-FBD 2-Force (vectors) 3-Eqn of Equil z x y 6m Ax C B D 3m 1 kN (0,0,6) (-3,6,0) (6,0,0) Ay Az TBC TBD 5 unknowns 3 from ∑F , 2 from ∑M

9 Example Problem Solution
1-FBD 2-Force (vectors) 3-Eqn of Equil z x y 6m Ax C B D 3m 1 kN (0,0,6) (-3,6,0) (6,0,0) Ay Az TBC TBD Substituting TBD and TBC into ∑F equations:

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