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OJJDP New Grant Recipient Orientation April 6, 2010 Washington, DC Hasan Davis J.D., Deputy Commissioner Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice

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1 OJJDP New Grant Recipient Orientation April 6, 2010 Washington, DC Hasan Davis J.D., Deputy Commissioner Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice



4 In the Beginning, Life seemed full of possibility!

5 Eventually, my agents of reality said “you can only play from this deck of cards”

6  Black  Male  ADHD  Dyslexia  Visual impairment  Hearing impairment  Broken Home  Welfare  Inner city  Arrested at 11 years old  Expelled from alternative school at 18  G.E.D. recipient

7 I still wanted to play… no matter the odd


9 Game Break!!!!

10 5 Rules : Succeeding with Youth Away from NO WAY—A Way From No Way  Fight the Insanity  Carry Faith and Hope  Allow time  Forgive Failures  Deserve Victory

11 Insanity principle  If you keep doing what you have always done you will keep getting what you have always gotten -Fight the Insanity - Carry Faith and Hope - Allow time - -Forgive Failures - Deserve Victory-

12 Insanity principle  If you keep doing what you have always done you will keep getting what you have always gotten  If you keep doing what you have always done your competition will get better and you will get worse results -Fight the Insanity - Carry Faith and Hope - Allow time - -Forgive Failures - Deserve Victory-

13 Take Risk  The time has come to take what we know and do what we must. -Fight the Insanity - Carry Faith and Hope - Allow time - -Forgive Failures - Deserve Victory-

14 Raise the Bar  Communities rise or ultimately fall to the highest expectation the people have set for them. -Hasan Davis -Fight the Insanity - Carry Faith and Hope - Allow time - -Forgive Failures - Deserve Victory-

15 Carry Faith and Hope Faith Faith [fayth] a belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody or something, especially without logical proof. A willing suspension of disbelief Hope Hope [hōp] Something that somebody wants to have or do or wants to happen or be true; A reliance on future possibilities -Fight the Insanity - Carry Faith and Hope - Allow time - -Forgive Failures - Deserve Victory-

16 Faith and Hope Faith Gives the courage to imagine what cannot see or hold -Fight the Insanity - Carry Faith and Hope - Allow time - -Forgive Failures - Deserve Victory- Hope Gives the strength to keep reaching for what others are sure we could never touch

17 Faith and Hope  Everyone needs someone who can see them as they are afraid to see their self. -Fight the Insanity - Carry Faith and Hope - Allow time - -Forgive Failures - Deserve Victory- For Hasan With Love Mom Inevitable Victory

18 Hope Dealers Vs. Hope Stealers Agents of reality, reality checkers, wake up callers, truth tellers, dream busters…etc.

19  “For those of us who choose this important work, hope is mandatory; because we cannot give what we do not possess.”

20 What is the cost of Optimism?

21 Allow TIME Time [tīm] A suitable moment or period chosen as appropriate for something to be done or to take place -Fight the Insanity - Carry Faith and Hope - Allow time - -Forgive Failures - Deserve Victory- Time is what we have so that everything does not happen at once Albert Einstein

22 Changing outcomes for youth is like wrestling an 800Lbs Gorilla

23 Advice: When wrestling an 800Lbs Gorilla…  You can’t stop just because you are tired…  …the only good time to think about stopping, is when you are sure the gorilla is tired!

24  It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required. It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required.  Sir Winston Churchill

25 Forgiveness for·give·ness [fərgivnəss] the act of pardoning somebody for a mistake or wrongdoing Forgiveness frees us from the awesome duty of worrying about the past so we can actually do something about the Future -Fight the Insanity - Carry Faith and Hope - Allow time - -Forgive Failures - Deserve Victory-

26  The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. Chinese Proverb

27  The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is right now. Chinese Proverb

28 Deserve Victory de·serve [di-zurv] to have earned or be worthy of something vic·to·ry [viktəree] success attained over a difficult situation or opponent -Fight the Insanity - Carry Faith and Hope - Allow time - -Forgive Failures - Deserve Victory-

29  “Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.  Charles F. Kettering Charles F. Kettering

30 Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is.

31 Treat a man as he can and should be, and he will become as he can and should be.

32 Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be, and he will become as he can and should be. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


34 To Raise then up we must:  Risk  Risk more than others think is safe.  Care  Care more than others think is wise.  Dream  Dream more than others think is practical.  Expect  Expect more than others think is possible.

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