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MSc/BSc Thesis Topics 2012 Atmospheric Chemistry Group 7 potential topics.

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1 MSc/BSc Thesis Topics 2012 Atmospheric Chemistry Group 7 potential topics

2 Topic 1: Sensitivity of model simulations to horizontal and vertical resolution Key questions: How do the results of a global chemistry-climate model change with increasing horizontal and vertical resolution? What are the main reasons? Key tasks: Computational work and data analysis. Tutor: Andrea Stenke, Tel. 33625, Temperature difference for September between two model simulations in T42 (2.81° x 2.81°) and T31 (3.75° x 3.75°) horizontal resolution. Temperature T42 – T31

3 Topic 2: Climate effects of regional nuclear conflicts – albedo feedbacks Key questions: What kind of albedo and sea-ice feedback processes determine global climate after massive soot emissions of a regional nuclear conflict? Is there a tipping point? Key tasks: Computational work and data analysis. Tutor: Andrea Stenke, Tel. 33625, Global mean surface albedo change for different scenario runs.

4 Topics 3a-e: Global modeling of the ozone and climate changes Monthly mean Total Ozone changes 2100-1980 (%) simulations with CCM SOCOL v2.0

5 Topic 3a: Which quantities may serve as indicators for the strength of the Brewer-Dobson circulation? H 2 O anomalies (“tape recorder”) from the HALOE satellite instrument Key questions: How does the strength of the B-D circulation affect different atmospheric quantities? How does this affect observational data and model results? Key tasks: Data analysis, statistical methods Tutors: Eugene Rozanov (PMOD Davos), Tom Peter Tel. 081 4175135,

6 Topic 3b: Which reactions are responsible for temperature dependence of the stratospheric ozone content? Key questions: Which chemical reactions are important for the temperature dependence of stratospheric ozone net destruction? Key tasks: Numerical experiments with the models of different complexity Tutor: Eugene Rozanov (PMOD Davos), Tom Peter, Tel. 081 4175135,

7 Key questions: Evaluate the performance of 18 CCMs in the simulation of the past (1960-2007) tropospheric climate changes. How do they compare? Key tasks: Type of work: Data analyze, statistical methods Tutor: Tom Peter, Eugene Rozanov, Tel. 081 4175135, Topic 3c: How well represented is the tropospheric climate in CCMs that participated in the SPARC CCM Validation campaign?

8 Topic 3d: How well is the influence of the sulfate aerosol on heating rates simulated with ECHAM radiation codes? Key questions: How does the performance of the ECHAM radiation codes in simulation of the heating rate changes due to sulfate aerosol compare, e.g. after volcanic eruptions? Key tasks: Numerical experiments with the state-of-the-art radiation transfer codes Tutor: Tom Peter, Eugene Rozanov, Tel. 081 4175135,

9 Topic 4: Understanding aerosol ageing - ozonolysis of organic aerosol proxies Key questions: How does the physical state of organic aerosols influence their reactivity? Measure the loss of ozone and evaluate uptake kinetics. Key tasks: Laboratory work and data analysis Tutors: Sarah Steimer, Markus Ammann (PSI) Tel. +41 56 310 4049 Ozone uptake on tannic acid

10 MSc/BSc Thesis Topics 2012: summary Atmospheric Chemistry Group 7 potential topics Topic: Advisors: Topic 1: Sensitivity of model simulations to resolution Andrea Stenke Topic 2: Climate effects of regional nuclear conflicts Andrea Stenke Topic 3a:Indicators of Brewer-Dobson circulation strength Eugene Rozanov, Tom Peter Topic 3b:T-dependence of stratospheric ozone content Eugene Rozanov, Tom Peter Topic 3c:Tropospheric climate in CCMs Eugene Rozanov, Tom Peter Topic 3d:CCM heating rates, e.g. after volcanic eruption Eugene Rozanov, Tom Peter Topic 4: Ozonolysis of organic aerosol proxies Sarah Steimer, Markus Ammann

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