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Who Was Harriet Tubman QUIZ By: Colton. When was Harriet Tubman born? 1823 1819 1824 None of the above.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Was Harriet Tubman QUIZ By: Colton. When was Harriet Tubman born? 1823 1819 1824 None of the above."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Was Harriet Tubman QUIZ By: Colton

2 When was Harriet Tubman born? 1823 1819 1824 None of the above

3 Harriet Tubman was a slave and people though when slaves were born it was not important to record it down. Also because Harriet's parents did not know how to write so they could not record it either. People say she was born either in 1820 or 1821 in Maryland

4 Who were Harriet's parents? Old Rit and Ben Marry and Benny Old Rit and Maxwell Ben and May

5 Old Rit and Ben Old Rit was a nickname for Harriet Ross but she got called that for a nickname. Both of her parents were born slaves They have had many children and they worked very hard without getting paid.

6 Who was Harriet's Master? Master Brodos Master Radd Master Brodas Master Brados

7 Master Brodas Mater Brodas owned the plantation that Harriet, Old Rit, Ben and all of their kids worked on. His plantation was large and grand like others in the south.

8 True or Flase Harriet Tubman had 2 names.

9 True Harriet Tubman’s first name was Minty than she was hit in the head by a 2- pound weight and got better. After that people treated her with respect and her name became Harriet after her mother.

10 Why did Harriet get hit in the head by a 2-pund weight? She was guarding the door while a slave escaped She was not working hard enough She was helping her husband get away She attack a slave master

11 She guarding the door while a slave escaped A slave was running away when an overseer saw him. He chased the slave into a store Harriet followed them into the store. She was told to tie up the slave and she didn’t move. Than the slave pushed past the overseer and raced out of the door. The overseer picked up the weight and threw it. Harriet was at the door and it missed the slave but hit Harriet in the forehead.

12 What did Harriet pray that would happen to Master Brodas That he would get sick That he would die That he would become nicer That he would give her a better job

13 That he would die Harriet wished that her master would die because she did not want to be sold. Master Brodas got sick and died. Afterward Harriet felt bad and believed that it was wrong to pray such thungs.

14 Her first husband was? Jacob Tubman John Tubman Jarry Tubman Johnny Tubman

15 John Tubman John Tubman was born free. His parents were slaves but were set free when their master died. Harriet made a quilt for their marriage and they lived in a cabin. John loved the money that Harriet made and harriet.

16 True or False The woman who Harriet meet was Catholic

17 False The lady who Harriet meet was a Quaker who did not like slavery.

18 How many times did Harriet try to escape 1 3 4 2

19 3 Harriet's first one is when she told John and he threatened to tell. The second was when she was going to escape with her brothers and they dragged her back. The last time was the successful one. It was when she escaped alone.

20 Where did Harriet go to be safe The house of the Catholic A part of the underground railroad Abraham Lincolns home The Quakers home

21 She came to the home where the Quaker welcomed her into the house. She gave the woman the quilt she had knitted for John.

22 True or False They made a plan to save Harriet's sisters family?

23 True They made a fake letter and then they toke them out and left with them.

24 What did Harriet buy A pistol A gun A sword A rifle

25 A gun She had it to defend herself n the underground railroad.

26 What was the reward for Harriet Tubman? 50,000 45,000 40,000 100,000

27 40,000 She was a huge part of freeing slaves so people wanted her a lot.

28 When did Harriet Die 1914 1913 1912 1916

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