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1 High PT Status of data workflow and first analyses plans for October exercise K. Kousouris (Fermilab) K. Rabbertz (University of Karlsruhe)

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Presentation on theme: "1 High PT Status of data workflow and first analyses plans for October exercise K. Kousouris (Fermilab) K. Rabbertz (University of Karlsruhe)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 High PT Status of data workflow and first analyses plans for October exercise K. Kousouris (Fermilab) K. Rabbertz (University of Karlsruhe)

2 2 Outline QCD, 01 September 2009 ✦ QCD High p T Jets: data workflow  Primary data-sets (PD)  Secondary data-sets (SD)  Group AOD skims  T2 space requirements ✦ Early papers: a prelude to the first publications  status of the drafts  manpower  requirements & needs High PT

3 3 Data workflow: the concept QCD, 01 September 2009 JetMonitor  HLT_L1Jet6U  HLT_Jet15U  HLT_DiJetAve15 Jets  HLT_Jet30U  HLT_Jet50U  HLT_QuadJet15U  HLT_FwdJet20U  HLT_DiJetAve30 PDs (RECO) Data Ops, T1 SDs (RECO) Data Ops, T2 AODs Group, T2 SD_L1Jet6U  HLT_L1Jet6U SD_Jet15U  HLT_Jet15U SD_Jet30U_Quad_Fwd  HLT_Jet30U  HLT_QuadJet15U  HLT_FwdJet20U SD_Jet50U  HLT_Jet50U AOD_L1Jet6U AOD_Jet15U AOD_Jet30U AOD_Jet50U High PT

4 4 Data workflow: remarks QCD, 01 September 2009 ✦ Primary data-sets  collections of trigger bits  RECO format  Transferred from T0 to T1s  Data Ops responsibility ✦ Secondary data-sets  Produced by ONLY ONE primary data-set  Each PD is split into 3 SDs at the T1s  RECO format (NO event content reduction)  Transferred to T2s  Data Ops responsibility ✦ Group AODs  Based on SDs: one AOD per single jet trigger bit  Event content reduction (and trigger filtering if needed)  Stored in T2s  Group’s responsibility ✦ Analyses PATuples  NO central PATuple production by the group  Each analysis is encouraged to produce a PATuple instead of private ROOTuples High PT

5 5 Group AODs: details QCD, 01 September 2009 ✦ The Group’s AOD Event size is estimated to be less than 50 kBytes. ✦ For 10pb -1 of integrated luminosity we estimate to need a few TBs of storing space for all AODs. ✦ We would like to have our AODs stored in one European T2 site (T2_DE_DESY) and one US T2 site (T2_US_MIT or T2_US_Caltech). The dedicated QCD space at each of these sites is 30 TB which can easily accommodate our AODs. ✦ The required configuration files for the AOD production have been created and tested successfully. ✦ Currently the responsible persons are Klaus and Kostas. Volunteers needed !!! High PT Group AOD content ✓ Jet collections ✓ CaloTower collection ✓ JetTrackAssociator ✓ MET collections ✓ Trigger results ✓ EventAuxilary ✓ Vertex information

6 6 Early data analyses: needs ✦ Stability of the detector conditions ✦ “Good Run” list and access to the lumi sections ✦ Smooth data flow to our dedicated T2s ✦ CRAB reliability ✦ Jet Energy Scale ✦ Co-ordination and alignment between the analyses in order to avoid duplicate work in understanding the trigger behaviour, the jet ID and the event cleanup. High PT IMPORTANT: before we can start the High PT jets analyses, some requirements must be fulfilled !! QCD, 01 September 2009

7 7 Goals for October exercise QCD, 01 September 2009 Test the full data workflow chain from the T0 to the T2s. (we need to identify the group’s “data manager” !!!) Make a more precise estimate of our AODs size. Test the co-ordination between 2 or more analyses for common issues (e.g. single jet trigger efficiency measurement). Benchmark analysis: dijet mass cross-section or inclusive jet cross-section measurement (depending on the available manpower). High PT

8 8 Early papers summary 1) QCD-08-003: “Hadronic Event Shapes at CMS” M. Weber, G. Dissertori, F. Moortgat 2) QCD-09-003: “Dijet Azimuthal Decorrelations in pp Collisions at 10 TeV” C. Dragoiu, L. Apanasevich, N. Varelas 3) QCD-09-004: “Measurement of the Dijet Production Ratio in pp Collisions at 10 TeV” D. Miner, A. Harel, R. Harris, R. Demina, M. Zielinski 4) QCD-09-005: “Measurement of the Dijet Mass Cross Section in pp Collisions at 10 TeV” K. Kousouris, R. Harris 5) QCD-09-006: “Measurement of the Dijet Mass Distribution and Search for New Particles in pp Collisions at 10 TeV” R. Harris, C. Jeong, K. Kousouris, S.W. Lee, S. Ozturk High PT IMPORTANT: ALL analyses will start with first data regardless of the early papers exercise !!! QCD, 01 September 2009 All 5 early papers from the High PT group are ready. Congratulations to the authors.

9 9 Early papers: QCD-08-003 High PT QCD, 01 September 2009 Central transverse thrust measurement: understanding the QCD dynamics and MC tuning.

10 10 Early papers: QCD-09-003 High PT QCD, 01 September 2009 Dijet azimuthal decorrelation measurement: understanding the QCD dynamics and MC tuning.

11 11 Early papers: QCD-09-004 High PT QCD, 01 September 2009 Dijet ratio vs mass: looking at the dijet angular production ratio for deviations from QCD predictions.

12 12 Early papers: QCD-09-005 High PT QCD, 01 September 2009 Measurement of the differential dijet production cross-section vs mass: confronting the pQCD prediction.

13 13 Early papers: QCD-09-006 High PT QCD, 01 September 2009 Search for new particles in the dijet mass spectrum.

14 14 Summary ✦ The High PT jets QCD subgroup will create AODs based on single jet trigger bits with reduced Event content. The software is already available. ✦ We wish to have our AODs stored in one European and one US T2 site. ✦ Each analysis will create a separate PATuple/ROOTuple from the common AODs. ✦ We have set specific goals for the October exercise. A few details still need to be taken care of. ✦ All of the early papers (5 in total) are ready and uploaded to CADI. High PT QCD, 01 September 2009

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