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 Read the following quote from President Kennedy.  What are the goals of the new President?

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Presentation on theme: " Read the following quote from President Kennedy.  What are the goals of the new President?"— Presentation transcript:

1  Read the following quote from President Kennedy.  What are the goals of the new President?

2 JFK, 1960

3  Became the label for JFK’s domestic programs.  Many of JFK’s liberal ideas and programs won’t become effective until after his death.  Aid to education and the elderly  Increase in minimum wage  Urban and civil rights reform  Space exploration

4 DESCRIBE THE IMPACT OF THE NEW FRONTIER ON EACH OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS  Minimum wage  Housing Act of 1961  Twenty-fourth Amendment  Equal Pay Act  Aid to the unemployed/poor  Aid to the elderly  The Environment  Consumer Protection  Worldly relations

5  Congress passed an increase in minimum wage from $1.15 to $1.25 an hour  The Housing Act of 1961 provided $4.9 billion for urban renewal  24 th Amendment outlawed the poll tax  Equal Pay Act=same pay for same work

6  Executive order to provide food to unemployed Americans  Area Redevelopment law to help communities plagued with long-term unemployment  Extending Social Security benefits  Programs to help ailing families become independent of government benefits  Federal program to address juvenile delinquency  Americans were able to retire at 62  WHY?

7  More federal resources to stop water pollution  Construction of the world’s largest nuclear power plant in Washington  Increased laws on food and drugs being tested before being sold to consumers

8  Trade Expansion Act  reduce American tariffs to encourage free trade  Nuclear Test Ban Treaty—limited testing of nuclear weapons to underground only

9  JFK used deficit spending to create more jobs, fund programs and stimulate the economy  Presidential Commission on the Status of Women led by Eleanor Roosevelt— documented ongoing discrimination  Continued the funding of NASA  Announced the goal of landing a man on the moon  Project Mercury—manned space flight  Alan Shepard—1 st American in space in May 1961  John Glenn—1 st American to orbit the earth Feb. 20, 1962

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