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Good Writers. Graff, G., & Birkenstein, C., & Durst, R. (2012). “They say/I say”: The moves that matter in academic writing (2 nd ed.). New York, New.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Writers. Graff, G., & Birkenstein, C., & Durst, R. (2012). “They say/I say”: The moves that matter in academic writing (2 nd ed.). New York, New."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Writers

2 Graff, G., & Birkenstein, C., & Durst, R. (2012). “They say/I say”: The moves that matter in academic writing (2 nd ed.). New York, New York: Norton & Company  “Accomplished writers routinely rely on a stock of established moves that are crucial for communicating sophisticated ideas” (p. 1).  Secured an inventory of basic moves by reading a lot.  Basic moves are so common – Graff calls them templates to structure and generate writing.  Putting writing principles into practice – aim of book  Best academic writing “is deeply engaged in some way with other people’s views” (p. 3) – literature review

3 Templates and Creativity  “Most creative forms of expression depend on established patterns and structures” (p. 11).  Templates do not create the content of what you write but suggest a way of formatting how you write it.  Templates help develop more originality and creativity – your “voice.”

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