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0 Citizenship in Athens and Rome:
Which Was the Better System?

1 Category/Bucket/Theme
Qualifications for Citizenship Limitations on Citizenship Citizens in Government *You can come up with categories that are different from these, but they need to tie with the documents.

2 Outline Grabber: Rome and Athens both gave the gift of citizenship to their people. Background: The idea of citizenship was born 500 years prior to the birth of Christ. The idea of being a subject versus a citizen with both rights and duties to their nation.

3 Outline continued: Thesis and roadmap:
Option 1: Rome had the better system for three reasons: citizenship for foreigners, adjustments by the censors, limits on citizenship membership in the Roman Senate.

4 Thesis and roadmap: Option 2: Athens had the better system for the following reasons; all citizens were equal, the power of ostracism, and full participation in the Assembly.

5 Body Paragraphs Baby Thesis: Citizenship being granted to conquered foes are one reason for Rome having a better system. Evidence: According to Emperor Claudius, not granting citizenship to foes was the reason for Athens’ fall (Doc C).

6 Body Paragraph continued
Argument: Citizenship changed an enemy to a friend and was less costly to administer a friendly outpost.

7 Conclusion Although Athenian citizenship had many positives, like the belief of the common man being at the base of Athenian power, this was more a noble though than a useful principle. Rome did give citizenship to additional groups, but limited rights where appropriate. Roman citizenship was guided not just by the heart but also by the head.

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