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New Faculty Orientation Seneca College Libraries Information Services Librarian Newnham Campus August 30, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "New Faculty Orientation Seneca College Libraries Information Services Librarian Newnham Campus August 30, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Faculty Orientation Seneca College Libraries Information Services Librarian Newnham Campus August 30, 2007

2 The Library’s Mission To enhance and support the varied teaching and learning, research and information needs of our scholarly, academic community through innovative services, information resources, and the promotion of information literacy and life- long learning.

3 Visit Your Library King Markham Newnham Seneca@York Campus Librarians King Carmen.Genuardi Cynthia.McKeich Markham Patricia.Presti Newnham Kelly.Donaldson Daniel.Michniewicz Rhonda.Roth Rosalie.Waller Seneca@York James.Buczynski Saira.Mall



6 Collections 91,000 books 7,500 videos &Dvds 90 electronic research databases 21,000 electronic magazines 60 subject guides 700 print magazines/newspapers/journals

7 The Library Has…. Instructional Materials –Library To Go Tutorials –Research Success Tutorials Web Site Links –Research Help Subject Guides

8 Library Tools Types of Sources Library Catalogues Research Databases World Wide Web Books Videos & Dvds Magazine articles Newspaper articles Journal articles …and more Web pages

9 Library & Faculty Collaboration Develop assignments Search for course readings Provide instruction Put materials on reserve Keep current …… and more


11 Workshops Foundations of Learning (FTL) –Creating Effective Research Assignments –Library Resources & Services Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) –Searching Databases Effectively –Online Course Readings & E-Reserves –Cheating & Plagiarism

12 The Successful Student  King  Markham  Newnham  Seneca@York

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