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Rise and rise again until lambs become lions 授課老師:伍紹勳 課程助教:邱麟凱、江長庭.

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Presentation on theme: "Rise and rise again until lambs become lions 授課老師:伍紹勳 課程助教:邱麟凱、江長庭."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise and rise again until lambs become lions 授課老師:伍紹勳 課程助教:邱麟凱、江長庭

2 Rise and rise again until lambs become lions Outline Generate clock by IC 555 oscillator Implement count up counter by JK flip-flop – 7476 JK flip-flop – count up counter

3 Rise and rise again until lambs become lions Requirement 220Ω 電阻 x 4 、 7476 x 2 、 7400(NAND) x 1(buffer) 、 LED x 4 、 7476 x 2 、 555x1 、電阻 470KΩx2( 黃紫黃 ) 、電解電容 1μF x1

4 Rise and rise again until lambs become lions 555 oscillator Refer to exp.11 555 Calculator (Website)

5 Rise and rise again until lambs become lions 555 oscillator You can connect output of 555 to a buffer – Oscillator would be more stable – E.g. connect output of 555 to an inverter or AND output of 555 with signal 1 Electrolytic capacitor( 電解電容 ) – With polarity (long pin should connect to VCC) + -

6 Rise and rise again until lambs become lions 7476 Dual Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear, Preset, and Complementary Outputs Falling-edge Trigger JK Flip-Flop Reset Preset Toggle

7 Rise and rise again until lambs become lions Count up counter 0000 000100100011 0100 2 0 : 0->1 (Toggle) 2 0 : 1->0 (Toggle), carry to next digit 2 0 : 0->1 (Toggle) 2 0 : 1->0 (Toggle), carry to next digit 2 1 : 0->1 (Toggle) 2 1 : 1->0 (Toggle), carry to next digit 2 2 : 0->1 (Toggle)

8 Rise and rise again until lambs become lions 4-bits output – output=input+1 at falling edge Count up counter 00000001 1111 001000110100 11001011101010011000 0101 0110 0111 1110 1101 +1

9 Rise and rise again until lambs become lions Count up counter 題外話 : 在設計電路時,應盡可能遵守只用 ” 單一時脈 ” 及 ” 不要把時脈拿來做邏輯運算 ” 二個原則,以免產生 不必要的 Bug 。 ( 除非很有把握電路不會出錯 )

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