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 Teacher Librarian A career Megan Lindsay July, 2011.

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1  Teacher Librarian A career Megan Lindsay July, 2011

2 What is a Teacher Librarian? AND A qualified librarian A qualified teacher

3 What is the difference between a Librarian and a Teacher Librarian ?  A Librarian holds a Masters Degree in Library Science - typically employed in a public library or academic library.

4 What is the difference between a Teacher Librarian and a Librarian ? However …. If a Teacher Librarian were to apply for a public librarian position, their qualifications would be recognized, but their education credentials may or may not be taken into consideration.

5 What does a Teacher Librarian do ?  are the information expert in the school and who actively promotes and shares According to Joyce Valenza, Oct, 2010 “You know you are a 21Century librarian if you …”

6 What does a Teacher Librarian do ?  are the expert on Copyright and Information Ethics  are always keen to learn more about web 2.0 tools and how to use them with the students and teachers  are the expert on curriculum and purchases appropriate resources to build a supportive resource base

7 What does a Teacher Librarian do ?  are an expert communicator with the whole school community from the students, teachers, other staff, parents  are an expert networker  always shows a positive and helpful attitude ou're+a+21st+century+librarian+if ou're+a+21st+century+librarian+if+.+.+.

8 What does a Teacher Librarian do ?

9 What do I love about my job?  I love being with the kids, sharing stories, helping them find the right books  I love sharing with the teachers  I love talking to the parents  I love that everyday is different  I love finding out and sharing new stuff on the internet  I love that I get paid for loving my job

10 Ways to become a Teacher Librarian  Undertake a Bachelor of Education  Undertake a Post graduate course in teacher librarianship  ourses/librarianship.html ourses/librarianship.html

11 Teacher Librarian support in Hong Kong   / /

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