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Jeopardy PeoplePlaces Documents Terms History Mystery Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy PeoplePlaces Documents Terms History Mystery Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy PeoplePlaces Documents Terms History Mystery Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from People Who was the commander-in- chief of the Continental Army?

4 $100 Answer from People George Washington

5 $200 Question from People Who established the French settlement of Quebec?

6 $200 Answer from People Samuel de Champlain

7 $300 Question from People Who invented the cotton gin?

8 $300 Answer from People Eli Whitney

9 $400 Question from People Who was a former slave who wrote poems and plays?

10 $400 Answer from People Phyllis Wheatley

11 $500 Question from People Who was the former slave who helped invent the reaper with Cyrus McCormick?

12 $500 Answer from People Jo Anderson

13 $100 Question from Places Which region of the United States has the oldest mountain range?

14 $100 Answer from Places Appalachian Mountain region

15 $200 Question from Places What was known as the Lost Colony?

16 $200 Answer from Places Roanoke Island

17 $300 Question from Places Who carried goods from Europe to West African empires, trading metals, cloth, and other manufactured goods for gold?

18 $300 Answer from Places The Portuguese

19 $400 Question from Places Which region of the original 13 colonies was known for village and church as center of its social life?

20 $400 Answer from Places New England

21 $500 Question from Places Where was the battle that was the turning point of the American Revolution?

22 $500 Answer from Places Saratoga, New York

23 $100 Question from Documents Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

24 $100 Answer from Documents Thomas Jefferson

25 $200 Question from Documents Who wrote the Bill of Rights?

26 $200 Answer from Documents James Madison

27 $300 Question from Documents Who was the author of Common Sense?

28 $300 Answer from Documents Thomas Paine

29 $400 Question from Documents What document recognized American Independence from England?

30 $400 Answer from Documents The Treaty of Paris

31 $500 Question from Documents What document ensures all citizens the right to vote regardless of race or color or previous condition of servitude?

32 $500 Answer from Documents The 15 th amendment to the United States Constitution

33 $100 Question from Terms What is a harbor?

34 $100 Answer from Terms A natural, protected place that is deep enough that ships can anchor.

35 $200 Question from Terms What is harvested?

36 $200 Answer from Terms To gather in a crop

37 $300 Question from Terms What is culture?

38 $300 Answer from Terms The beliefs, social actions and traits of people of the same religion, race or country

39 $400 Question from Terms What is economic venture?

40 $400 Answer from Terms Something that is done to make money.

41 $500 Question from Terms What is unalienable?

42 $500 Answer from Terms Something that can’t be given up or give away

43 $100 Question from History Mystery What began the American Revolution?

44 $100 Answer from History Mystery The British Invasion of Lexington

45 $200 Question from History Mystery Who was general of the Union army that defeated Lee ?

46 $200 Answer from History Mystery Ulysses S. Grant

47 $300 Question from History Mystery What gave the Freed slaves equal rights and helped ensure it by allowing federal troops to enforce the rights?

48 $300 Answer from History Mystery The Civil Rights Act of 1866.

49 $400 Question from History Mystery What four slave states stayed in the Union during the Civil War?

50 $400 Answer from History Mystery Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri

51 $500 Question from History Mystery Who became president in 1860?

52 $500 Answer from History Mystery Abraham Lincoln

53 Final Jeopardy What was the idea that expansion was for the good of the country and was the right of the country called?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Manifest Destiny

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