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Course Instructor: K ashif I hsan 1. Chapter # 1 Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE2.

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Presentation on theme: "Course Instructor: K ashif I hsan 1. Chapter # 1 Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course Instructor: K ashif I hsan 1

2 Chapter # 1 Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE2

3 Computer vs Human Brain The human brain possesses an interesting property. For tasks such as vision, language and motor control, a brain is more powerful than 1000 supercomputers. And yet, for simple tasks such as multiplication it is less powerful than a 4 bit microprocessor. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE3

4 Communication with Computer INFANCY: Learn language of computer. YOUTH: Both communicate in a third language. MATURITY: Make it capable to understand your language. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE4

5 Sophistication of Computer The main objective is to make computers more and more user-friendly. It is assumed that “the more user friendly will be the computer, the more will be the number of its users”. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE5

6 Intelligence The ability to grasp the essentials in any situation and to respond appropriately to those essentials. It is the ability to reason. It is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. It is the ability to manipulate and communicate ideas. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE6

7 Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is the study of how to make computers do things at which, at the moment, people are better. (RICH, 1983). It is the study of ideas that enables computers to be intelligent. (WINSTON, 1984). It is simply a way of making a computer think intelligently. (LEVINE etal, 1986). Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE7

8 Artificial Intelligence The modern definition of artificial intelligence (or A.I) is "the study and design of intelligent agent " where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximizes its chances of success. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE8

9 History of Artificial Intelligence The field of A.I was born at a conference on the campus of Dartmouth College USA in the summer of 1956 & the Leaders of A.I are John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Nawell and Herbert Simon. “Machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work a man can do.” H.A Simon (1965) “Within a generation, the problem of creating 'artificial intelligence' will substantially be solved.” Marvin Minsky (1967). Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE9

10 History of Artificial Intelligence These predictions failed because of : The lack of computer power. Failing of logic. The difficulty of representing commonsense knowledge. In 1974, the work on A.I stopped because of high criticism. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE10

11 In the early 80s, the field was revived by the commercial success of expert system and by 1985 the market for AI had reached more than a billion dollars. In the 90s, AI achieved its greatest successes because of the incredible power of computers and a greater emphasis on solving specific problems. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE11 History of Artificial Intelligence

12 Branches of Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing Robotics Computer Vision Speech Recognition Machine Translation Pattern Recognition Expert Systems Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE12

13 Natural Language Processing Getting computers to understand and communicate in everyday language, is known as natural language processing (NLP). Questioning-Answering Dealing queries from the user and the answers from a computer. Machine Translation The translation of one natural language into another by a computer. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE13

14 Robotics It is the branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the design, construction, operation and application of robots and computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE14

15 Computer Vision Computer vision is a field that includes methods for acquiring, processing, analyzing and understanding images and in general, high- dimensional data from the real world in order to produce numerical or symbolic information. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE15

16 Speech Recognition Speech recognition is the translation of spoken words into text. It is also known as "automatic speech recognition", "ASR", "computer speech recognition", etc. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE16

17 Machine Translation Machine translation (MT) is the application of computers to the task of translating texts from one natural language to another. The human translation process may be described as: Decoding the meaning of the source text; and Re-encoding this meaning in the target language. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE17

18 Pattern Recognition It is the branch of artificial intelligence concerned with the classification or description of observations. Pattern recognition aims to classify data (patterns) based on either a priori knowledge or on statistical information extracted from the patterns. The patterns to be classified are usually groups of measurements or observations.” Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE18

19 Expert System An expert system is a computer system that emulates(imitates) the decision-making ability of a human expert. Expert system solve complex problems by logical reasoning (just like a human expert) and not by following the conventional procedure as in case of conventional programming. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE19

20 T he E nd.. Kashif Ihsan, Lecturer CS, MIHE20

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